The Relationship Topic

Yeah I always wear shades outside and sometimes inside.

WHOA :stuck_out_tongue:

Might get to see her tomorrow… probably not until Sunday though

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Boi you never get anywhere until you try. I figured that out. Let’s do this!

And by we I mean you, with us rooting for you from a very safe and comfortable distance.


I just meant idk if I’ll get the chance to talk to her today

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Well if you do, go for it!

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Yup. I will. Next time I see her will be early in the morning so I won’t be thinking straight which would be a good time to do it :stuck_out_tongue:



Slow clap goes here. Thank you.

Screw life.

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Wdym? Idk the hip lingo

Ouchie… That’s a feelsbadman, assuming you mean what I think you mean

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She might just be busy, or an inconsistent texter. I wouldn’t assume she’s avoiding you unless enough information is present.

That said, if that type of information is present, I’m deeply sorry and hope you have a quick recovery period.

Let me just go on record and say that if she is ghosting you, you’re not missing out on much. I don’t care who it is, if someone lacks the confidence and sincerity to be honest about everything and anything from the start, they’re not good for anything long term and are probably completely unreliable.


I got asked out at summer camp last week. By a cute girl I’ve known forever. But I liked someone else. So I said no. The regertsss…


Hit her back up and take her up on it. Keep chasing unicorns and you’ll miss out on things that ARE real and possible.


Well another thing is idk if she likes me or likes the idea of having a bf.

EDIT: i also have to ask a friend of hers to send her my number cuz I don’t have it. I gotta get Snapchat…

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I’d say that before you take Tarvaax’s (actually pretty good) advice, reflect a bit to see if you have at least some feelings for her(which I’d assume you do if you’re having regrets). If you don’t think you do, don’t be in a relationship just for the feeling of being in a relationship, since that rarely ends well. It wouldn’t be a good idea to lead someone on, only to eventually have to break their heart.


Well she didn’t respond for several days, and then left me on “read” yesterday afternoon.

But your advice is solid. I hate it that people don’t think about the long-term before they jump into something. If you can fall out of like/love with someone in a month and a half after you start a relationship, something’s definitely wrong. I’ll stay single for now.


I’ve been through that. What I did was wait a few days and not worry about it, and then send a message when I had something interesting to talk about. Just be casual and patient.

Some people are just busy people, or have a bunch of friends.


Yknow how sometimes your subconscious will worry about things that you know are very unlikely to happen but you can’t stop worrying about it? I’m worried she’ll be so upset over my ignorance and stupidity in rejecting her that she’ll kill herself. I highly doubt it’d happen, but I’m subconsciously worried about it.

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So I’ve been reading in this topic for quite awhile now and I think it’s about time I post something here seeing as I don’t feel like being that guy that only reads about others problems and not doing anything else productive.

About 2 years ago when I started gymnasium(The Swedish equivalent to the later years of high school.) I started talking with this girl in my class via Snapchat since I had received her profile via a friend, we talked for some days and I began liking her more and more. Unfortunately things didn’t workout and she rejected me(I’m not gonna go in to detail about this for reasons). I can see how things ended up the way they did and that those reason have to do with me being a total noob at relationships and the fact that I’m quite shy around girls in general which is just great.

Now after having been through this I can say that there are several factors I could improve upon and if I were to meet someone else I find interesting, attractive or whom I like for other reasons I should try to improve on these fields if it is going to workout.

Anyways Hope it’ll will workout for you in your lives.


I think I’m stress eating over this… I cannot stop eating today

At this point, you should make an effort to contact her and make sure she’s fine. Get some reassurance, and possibly talk about how you’ve felt lately.

If you’re worried, you care. If you care, something’s there (whether it be a friendly attraction or romantic one, though both tend to go hand in hand when you find someone you’ll have good chemistry with), if something’s there: it’s time to talk with her.

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