The Relationship Topic

Would this count as a custody dispute?



Lasagna is good

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weird flex but ok

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Lol. It turned out all good so thatā€™s chill.

Okay. So thereā€™s this girl who I met about two and a half years ago at an open house for an art school right? Well got along super well at the time, but fairly quickly fell out of contact after that.

Then a couple months ago, I found the paper with her contact info on it, and weā€™ve been talking on and off since.

Well we donā€™t life super far apart, and so I decided to ask if she would be interested in planning a time to meet up in person. She seems interested, but she said she has to ask her parents about it. But she also has to tell them tomorrow.

Iā€™m super on edge. This feels like a point where things will either get a lot better, or a lot worse.


The way I see it, either youā€™re where you were before, or she says yes. Itā€™s a ā€œcanā€™t get worse (unless you do something crazy), might get betterā€ kind of thing.

Justā€¦ donā€™t look desparate. That would be gross and youā€™re better than that lol



I am full of adrenalin right now.
My brain is going like a mile a minute.
Iā€™m on top of the world!
Iā€™m a nervous wreck.
I feel so amazing!
I jumped the gun.
Life is beautiful!
Iā€™m a walking romantic disaster waiting to happen.

Iā€™m screaming internally and on the verge of tears and I have no idea why!

All things considered Iā€™d consider this a successful night.


Oh yeah I been there with instances where like a girl has to tell her parents abt me or whatever. Itā€™s always gone well so far


In my experience, as long as the parents know that youā€™re a good person, youā€™ll be fine.

(In my experience means with most hanging out kinda things, no matter the person)

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In my experience, thatā€™s not always enough.

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Sometimes, yeah.
But knowing the parents helps.

In my experience, parents that have full say on a childā€™s relationship tend to be a bit overboard and may be controlling of other aspects in their lives, lasting even into adulthood. Be wary of that, as it can put massive strain on relationships. Sure, some might just want to keep their children safe, but high school is the time they should be teaching their children to make good decisions on their own.

Moral of the lesson: narcissists suck.


My parents are fairly hands off abt that (except wanting to know everything abt a person :roll_eyes:) But outside of that their only rules are mostly abt, eh, boundaries. Outside of dating, theyā€™re way too hands on in every way possible.

One question, are you a parent, and if not, how do you know what is best for another parentā€™s children.

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A bit of an analogy:
I donā€™t need to know how to fly a helicopter to know that if I see one in a tree, someone messed up.

So itā€™s not so much knowing whatā€™s best, but knowing what isnā€™t.

I know I wasnā€™t part of the conversation, but this is my two cents.


Yes, but do you know how the helicopter crashed? My point is that no body knows their child better than the parents, and all most parents want for you is nothing short of the best.


Yes, but at the same time many parents can be overbearing, overprotective, and what they think is the best could actually be far from it.

Iā€™m not saying that all, most, or even many parents do this. Youā€™re point is valid. But at the same time you canā€™t be so absolute.


Thats why I said ā€œmost allā€ as there are exceptions.

Iā€™d like some girl friends (notice the space!)ā€¦ Or maybe just more friends overall!
Itā€™s hard when you come across as a weirdo/jerk when all youā€™re trying to do is be nice, funny, and relatable.
Enough complaining, Iā€™m sure everyone feels like that thoughā€¦ except for those 12 year olds with girlfriends already :rage:

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Are you a movie critic? If not, how do you know whatā€™s best for another personā€™s script?

Studying and becoming knowledgeable on the subject, of course. If you go to college and learn the fundamentals about basic plot structures and the necessary transitions a plot should have, you by all means have a right to critique plots based on that scope. The same goes for human behavioral sciences. If someone goes to college and studies psychology and human behavior, then they have the right to critique behaviors that are potentially harmful to a childā€™s developmental growth and success as life goes on.

Iā€™m sensing conflicting motives here. Are you sure you donā€™t want ā€œgirl-friendsā€ because you actually want a ā€œgirlfriendā€? :wink:

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