The Relationship Topic

It means that you either expected it, are really chill, or never really liked her in the first place.
Sometimes people think they like someone, but they dont as much as they thought.
Or it could be you had a crush on her for a while, but by the time you asked her, you kinda didn’t like her as much.

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I did like her and I’m pretty much a paranoid mess I mean for a bit there I was super scared she actually hated me, so it’s probably the first option.

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That is exactly what I wish I could do. The last two crushes I’ve had I knew from the get go that it wouldn’t work.

You know your track record. You know how this is going to end. Don’t get attached because this will only end in more pain.

But no matter how hard I tried, I got attached, I found out it wouldn’t work, which I really knew the whole time, and I couldn’t get over it. I couldn’t just shrug it off. Each time it happens I’m crushed for days or even weeks. Its the kind of hurt I see coming from a mile away but no matter what I do or how hard I try, the pain never gets better. It never lightens up. Each and every time it hurts so bad. Sometimes I try to convince myself that I don’t need love. Thay I can live without it. That I can go on without a partner and be just happy, but all that does is make the pain worse.


I told myself the same thing. “It’ll be just like last time, you’ll get yourself worked up over nothing. She doesn’t like you.” etc.

But at least you told them.

Trust me, it is so much worse to let those feelings sit and fester. You’ll always regret not telling. Hell, I didn’t even tell this girl in person, I was so scared I had to use a stupid, cliche, cheesy note. Even then she said nothing(which kinda had to do with me saying on said note “hey, just don’t bring it up. I don’t want to ruin our friendship(which she had already been distancing herself and did so even more after)”) Then her distancing herself made me thing she hated me, so I asked with another stupid cheesy note, got nothing in return(which it turns out is because of that line from the first note), so I got salty on social media(never actually named her off because I may be petty, but I’m not that petty) and then she confronted me. And already, it’s better than what happened with the first girl. I think. Still a little conflicted/concerned about my reaction(or lack-thereof)

So it might hurt, but it’s better than not telling. Trust me.


That’s a problem I’ve had repeatedly. The last two major crushes I’ve had, I never got to say anything. One of them mentioned she had a boyfriend offhandedly. Then she somehow found out I had feelings for her and ceased all contact immediately.

The one before her told me that she’s gay while we were texting, which I have nothing against, but it was still unfortunate. I’m still friends with her today but she has no idea I ever had a crush on her.

I’m afraid of outright telling. At least right out of the gate. I don’t like the idea of trying to build a relationship with no foundation. That’s how my one and only romantic relationship started, and it was terrible.

I’m a firm believer that you’d want to be good friends before trying to go that step further.

But it also doesn’t help that I haven’t been able to meet a new girl in months. My school is so small that everyone knows everyone at least on some level. So there’s no one in my school I think I could be in a relationship with that I haven’t already talked to.

So I’ve been left with this vague directionless void burning and festering in my gut. Desperately calling and pinning for a feeling I can’t even build falce hopes up for anymore.

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You’re fine, don’t worry. Some people are more emotional about things like this; some are more chill about it. I tend toward the ‘chili’ end of the spectrum myself.


I’m just going to leave that typo, I find it too funny to fix.


Oh, I can understand that completely, trust me.

Thing is, I’m not usually ‘chill.’ I’m usually a huge paranoid emotional mess. This is like the complete opposite of that. That’s what concerns me. It’s just so…different from how I usually am, I guess.


My problem right now is that I have all these thoughts, feelings, wants, and needs but no one to tie them to.

I have no goal or individual to faun over. Only a festering coil of emptiness festering inside.

I need a hand to hold. I need a body to embrace. Eyes to lose myself in. A smile to obsess over. Someone to love. To care about. To worry about. To depend on. Someone I can pour my life and soul into and not be afraid of being hurt.

What I need is her. I feel empty without her. But the problem is that I have no idea who she is. She’s the girl who taunts my dreams with affection and happiness. A faceless formless feeling I need to hold but never can. All I have is a vague hope that someday she’ll come into my life and I can be happy.

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Quite the same. I usually am too scared to talk to people/worried about saying the wrong thing/frustrated with myself because of these reasons, but the one time I got turned down by a girl, I wasn’t super upset about it; if anything, I was just happy I had managed to talk to her, like a weight off my shoulders or some metaphor like that. I, too, hadn’t expected success. It depends on your mindset surrounding it, but it’s not that abnormal.



Eat a Snickers, man.



Sorry. I get poetic when I’m depressed.

Well that’s just Prime!

But nah friend. You really shouldn’t tie your reason for existence and enjoyment from life to things or people, because people are messy and things eventually deteriorate. You’re putting yourself and others up into a position where you’re going to end up setting them on a pedestal that they can’t actually live up to.

I understand you want companionship, that you want someone to care about you, but if you’re not emotionally mature enough to look at your feelings of despair and say a stern no, now isn’t the time for a relationship. You have to be able to control your “crazy” (your extreme emotions). I don’t mean that in a bad way, everyone has a bit of “crazy” on their emotional thinking spectrum somewhere, but if you cannot control It and stop it with reason, then any relationship you have will fall apart.

Right now, I would suggest filling a bit of that emptiness up through friendship. Show kindness and love to strangers and acquaintances, help them out if you see that they need it. Do this, and you will mature the way you need to, and a girl will see your worth and pursue you.


I wouldn’t say I’m quite that far. I’m able to be happy as is. Love is just something I really want to have in my life because I know what it feels like, and knowing how amazing it feels makes it hard to wait to have again. If that makes sense.

In all honesty I’m fine most the time. Its just that when I talk about it here I get all caught up in it and start getting poetic and wordy. It isn’t a constant feeling or problem. Yes I have down moments, but most of the time I’m fine.


Anyone here asexual/an ace?
I’m not kidding. It’s really annoying, and was wondering if anyone else is like me.

Everyone’s making me depressed now, I’m just not going to date in high school.

It makes everything so much simpler; get through these last few years first, then worry about getting a girlfriend and stuff.


Currently working on learning how to flirt, because you should master what you suck at :joy:

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Nah, man. Do what you think is right, not what others influence you to do.
Anyway I suck for advice.
I’ve never had a gf and am asexual

I… am doing what I think is right.


Hey, read some of my posts, I take your side of the argument.

@justabioniclefan Not trying to sound rude, but how are you Asexual? Do you mean She needed? Because from what I’ve heard, prograssive scientists claim that Gender is decided by tje person, but Sex is decided by biology.

Not that I agree, I just want some clarification.


I believe “asexual” refers to the orientation of being sexually(and often romantically) attracted to no one.