The Relationship Topic

A number of reasons. I don’t want to get into a relationship if the only reason is to get attention, the old girl likes someone else, and we’re in a good spot having friendship right now and I don’t want to mess that up

Then try to understand why the new girl doesn’t like you.

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What good would that di

So you can learn how to become a better person in case other people don’t like you for it

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Maybe you could change yourself to either convince her to like you, or to prevents a future scenario when a girl you like dislikes you for the same reasons.

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Yes change myself great idea



I don’t see why it wouldn’t.

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what about me are you suggesting I change

If a girl doesn’t like you for who you are, then you probably shouldn’t date her. Changing yourself will only make things worse.


Exactly what I was thinking. And probably one of the main reasons I miss my last gf so much. I got to be myself around her in a way that I’ve almost never experienced with even just a friend


Unless you’re an egomaniac. Then you probably do need to change yourself.


Except people should change themselves

If I acted now how I acted when I first came here I’d have been banned ages ago

If you still love your last girlfriend so much, you should probably stop thinking about it this much

You aren’t very experienced are you?[quote=“TheOnlyGuyWhoLikesMistika, post:2134, topic:9297”]
If I acted now how I acted when I first came here I’d have been banned ages ago
There’s a difference between changing who you are and maturing. There are key things about us like important aspects of our personalities (for example, I’m very energetic, sometimes competitive, and I have a unique musical taste) but there are some negative things about everybody that would be good to change (bad habits, short temper, things like that) when we get rid of the bad, that’s maturing, but when we try to hide or change those key personality aspects for someone to like us, that’s not something most people will agree is good

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Maybe she finds you immature?

No, this topic is just hilarious so I look at it

Nobody said she wants me to change or be different and then she’d like me. She might only not like me because she just doesn’t like the idea of dating

What I mean is, if a relationship is to be healthy, your partner must like you for who you are. If you are pretending to be someone else, it just does not work.

Changing is okay, but you shouldn’t change yourself. That’ll come across as a facade, which it pretty much is. However, if you change for a reason, not of free will, that kind of drastic change can be healthy.


I think you’re confusing putting on a mask in an attempt to capture a certain persona and changing one’s character because one is a morally bankrupt individual.


Okay, if you’re a bad person, you should change yourself because, well, you’re a bad person.

With the context I was responding to, you would be changing yourself to appeal to a person because you find them attractive and they don’t find you the same, and I don’t believe that that is right or healthy for you or the relationship.

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10/10 best topic on the boards I don’t even check the rest anymore. :laughing:


I understand that you like this girl, but for those that are religious, they are often told to be equally yolked to someone who will support their faith and help them grow in it, as the opposite can be a stumbling block.

I think it would be more respectful, as well as moral, to acknowledge this and instead look for someone with similar beliefs to your own. I know she feels right to you now, but I think it would be best for both of you to engage in a relationship with people who will support your worldview, rather than attempt to change it.