The Shadows Rise Set's Review (Okotin + 3 Toa)

Here I’ll be reviewing some of the sets that came today from the Shadow’s Rise team. So here we go:

The Shadow Okotin

Since they share a clone build I’ll be reviewing these mostly as a group.

So the build is nice and simple. The arm function seems nicely implemented, though I can’t comment on how well it works. However the upper arms seem slightly off, though I guess it does an OK job at adding in the wings, which do fit the overall aesthetic quite nicely. One other problem is the exposed ball joints on the torso, but that is very minor as I’m not sure how it could have been improved since shells may have ruined the overall look and they do blend in quite well with the dark colour schemes.

The weapons are a bit of a mixed bunch. The Fire Okotin has an OK looking sword, nothing too impressive but with such a small set you can’t expect much more. The Earth Okotin has a decent looking flail, done better than Pohatu’s 2016 since it actually looks practical, even if the chain is a bit long. The Ice Okotin has a generic shield, nothing bad just underwhelming a little. The Jungle Okotin has what is, essentially, a shortened version of Skull Basher’s axes which weren’t all that great to begin with. The Water Okotin weapon is very nice IMO, it pulls of a short spear/long handled sword. Regardless, nicely done. The Stone Okotin has a decent hammer for this size, however the red pins stick out and the CCBS seems a little tacked on. The reused blaster is what it is, not sure on how I feel about using silver studs.

Overall these guys are rather nice:

  • nice and simple
  • nicely done arm function
  • wings work with aesthetic
  • good colour schemes
  • using Toa masks make them seem creepy and unnatural in a way
  • the Water Okotin weapon
  • proportions a bit off
  • red axels (Eljay will be onto you)
  • some lackluster weapons
  • upper arms are bare
  • exposed ball joints

Tahu Eclipser of Fire

Well I’ll start with the positive: he’s got a decent colour scheme, there’s still a lot of gold but not as much as his Uniter form, so that’s a plus. Just enough trans red but red is still predominant, however some trans red bones may have helped because the grey bones look a little dull, especially considering how exposed the bone is on the upper legs. The cape is nice enough addition, maybe not quite Tahu, but it works.

However the negative: I understand they wanted weapons with functions but they could have done more than recycle Uniter Tahu’s sword design. Also a unique sword design across all the Toa would have been good as well. He also bears an uncanny resemblance to Brain Attack Furno, as @Jormad noted, this isn’t helped by the cape. The shoulder armour doesn’t do a fantastic job either, it doesn’t curve round the shoulder, leaving a slight gap, which I find off putting as it interrupts the flow. Finally, the lower legs are a mess, the skull armour add on leaves a large between it and the leg and the CCBS shell on the back of the leg looks tacked on whilst also giving it unneeded width so it looks out of proportion.


  • colour scheme
  • cape
  • trying to implement a function into the weapon
  • nice looking flame dagger
  • looks a lot like Brain Attack Furno
  • flame dagger is essentially a copy paste of said Furno’s sword
  • bad lower legs
  • exposed upper legs
  • poorly done lower arms
  • poor shoulder armour

Lewa, Eclipser of Jungle

The positive: The trans blue here works surprisingly well thanks to its presence on the elemental jungle flame pieces. Consistent colour scheme overall so that is cool. Those crystal blades on his back look nice, they don’t appear to do much and appear reminiscent of Tahu 2015’s Golden Swords, but still nice. The overall smooth aesthetic is nice.

The negative: The unneeded asymmetry doesn’t work. The skull armour add on is out of place, both in texture and colour. The star sword is overly geebled with all the vines and whatnot. His jungle spear isn’t really a spear and is the same as Tahu’s weapon. Also the upper legs should really be trans blue as they clash with the other limbs for that reason, on the subject of limbs the upper arms look really short and out of proportionate, but maybe that’s just me. Finally, not sure the ribcage was the best choice either.


  • good colour scheme
  • nice inclusion of trans blue
  • good use of crystal blades
  • overall aesthetic works
  • jungle spear looks nice but not really a spear
  • unneeded and ugly asymmetry
  • skull armour add on doesn’t fit and clashes texturally and colour wise
  • star sword is essentially clone of Tahu uniter weapon and is over geebled
  • upper limbs on arms appear too short
  • colour of upper legs limbs clash
  • ribcage doesn’t really fit, especially with the smooth upper arms and overall look

Gali, Eclipser of Water

Since this is essentially a clone of Tahu Uniter I won’t go in depth, it shares the same flaws. Instead of too much gold however there is too much silver. Removal of shoulder armour makes them appear exposed. Friction extenders leave an unsatisfactory gap between the leg and foot.

Overall: 7/10

I might do the rest at a later date if people are interested


2 posts were merged into an existing topic: The Shadows Have RISEN!

I’ve moved this to the original moc topic since it fits better there.

Sorry for the inconvenience :sweat:

– Waj

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