The Sun is disappearing on August 21st

Well since Superman, Superboy, Supergirl, etc aren’t saving us do by the Sun go block by the Moon, so Save us Silver Surfer!

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Dude I used to live in Linn County. I lived in Brownsville for 5 years.


Yo what
That is really close to where I live.

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Do you live in Halsey?

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No. I’m fine with telling people where I live only if it is through a private message. It would be rad to see you two in person.

Oh boy here we go again


Did the trend ended? :new_moon_with_face::sun_with_face:

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There’s another one in 7 years.

And this one conveniently passes over where I live currently…

and it just dawned on me, I might live here by that point…

Oh man it was pretty beautiful today.

Me during the eclipse the other day

(jk i actually wore the glasses)