The TTV Message Boards Nostalgia Topic

That reminds me, remember when Eljay actually got fired?

Dark days, indeed.



In the grim darkness of the future, there is only Kahi

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Hey anyone remember that time G3 got canceled?

Wait, wut?


Back in the prime of these boards they meant the world to me, now I’m just rolling around tryna see if I can recapture some of the magic, or friends, or whatever


hey at least you got your xbone amirite?

(But seriously, you alright?)

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That I definitely do

And yeah, things have been a little rough, but overall I’ve been alright.


Remember when the default theme was the navy blue one? I don’t because I joined in August BUT I USE THE CLASSIC THEME!


I also use the classic theme because I do not like burning my eyes out when looking at this website.



Remember when the Nexo Knights and Legends of Chima categories were active? Yeah, me neither


hey, i gots a question, and if you’re in this category you can evidently answer them. so, a while back, i was watching some good old youtube, and i heard something about some ‘flame war’ that happened back in the day. like, before i knew what a bionicle was, back in the day (not that that gives you any time reference or anything). at the time of my watching of the video, i thought something like ‘huh. neat.’ Now fast forward to today, and i was wondering what that video was actually about, since i can’t remember what the people said. now, of course it’s been privated, and i can’t watch it unless i get the password to shadowgear’s youtube account, and i was hoping for answers from you guys. you guys got ’em?

A flame war eh? I’m guessing that was long before G2?

If most of the involved parties have deleted the evidence, then it may be best to just let sleeping dogs lie.

I suppose I just like to know things too much. My main reason is that I don’t want to repeat their mistakes. I’m trying to become a bit better known here before I start posting, but I’m a part of the same thing as they were: ‘BioTube’. I don’t want legions of people telling me that I’m a big poopyface that doesn’t deserve to live because I insulted one of their MOCs (or whatever happened). At any rate, like you said, I suppose it’s up to them whether or not they tell about it.

classic theme gang

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Remember when this topic was active?

And when I use to make frequent short posts instead of infrequent 784 word posts?


those were the days

remember when my profile was an ms paint thing and I got really mad at @Diero whenever he used “ms paint” in the rate the avatar of the user above you topic?

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I have become the very thing I swore to troll