The Untold Adventure ep.4 s. 1

Season 1/ Episode 4 “It’s Just The Beginning! The real tournament begins”

After the cloned Thok pushed Scorpio too far, Scorpio found a way to transform into his powerful stage…

Scorpio: What? I’m taller and I fell STRONGER!

Dribabot: Amazing, he evolved into a more primitive state.

Draco: This is great!

Scorpio: Thanks!

Draco: I was talking about this pop…

Letan(Green matoran): (Hopefully Detrius knows what he’s going against)

Letan: What ever that thing was it’s not like Gavea, it used some sort of energy blast.

???: Study it’s technique along with all the other contestants. Something tells me that thing is not like the others…

Gavea: Congratulations Scorpio! You completed your trial.

Scorpio: I’m a bit tired, I guess I’ll watch the other trials.

Draco: I don’t feel really…

Tribabot: I told you not to drink 3 gallons but…

Storm Beastling: That is why I stick to diet pop.

Many battles later…

Announcer: Although all the amazing trials are over, here is where the fun really starts! First up is Scorpio vs. Detrius, good luck to both of you!

Detrius(silver matoran): Good luck you’re gonna need it.

Letan: So Vetraz, what do think of that insect thing?

Vetraz(red matoran): Eh, Detrius can’t lose he was trained by our master remember?

Letan: I’ve seen what he is capable of doing, maybe he is just holding back…

Detrius: Here I come!

Scorpio: Woo! Watch where you swing that thing!

Detrius: What happens if I squish you?!

Scorpio: I wouldn’t do that if I were YOU!

Detrius: Why is that so?!

Scorpio: This is Why!

Scorpio: Let’s dance!

Scorpio: Let me try something…

Scorpio: Dragonn…Breaa…

Detrius: Take this!

Scorpio: Okay, now you’ve done it!

To Be Continued…

Hoped You Enjoyed!


Don’t know why, but the background makes me believe everything is happening in a giant bedroom, and the characters are toys. Like in Toy Story.

I didn’t have a better background, which is why I gave up on the comics

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