The Winter Legion Compendium Vol. 1 (RP sign up)

Related to Tale of the Timberwolves?

Name: Raina
Age: 17
Class: Medic
Weapons: Knife
Bio: Raina lived in a small village a ways away from things. Medicine being the family trade, her father taught her to heal from a young age. She was the sole survivor when her village was ransacked by a ruthless band of bandits. Amber found her soon after, and the two have been close friends ever since.
Personality: Outgoing and friendly, Raina loves spending her time with others.

Name: Amber
Age: 17
Class: Warrior
Weapons: Spear, shield, hunting bow
Bio: Amber doesn’t volunteer much information about herself. She was tracking the group of bandits that destroyed Raina’s village when they did so. She helped Raina to the nearest city, and the two have traveled together ever since.
Personality: Amber prefers keeping to herself. She appears especially defensive of Raina.

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Same world, just renamed. And a prequel.

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Okay, cool. Was this discussed in Tale of the Timberwolves since I’ve been inactive?

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No that died. So we’ve been talking about it in discord. I tried getting winter to do Timberwolves again but he wouldn’t and let it stay dead

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Timberwolves will be Vol. 2

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@Winterstorm345 So that whole thing is getting rebooted?

@RuthlessSkate94Oh. Okay. Glad this is a thing, then.

Edited for Double Post - Waj

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Pretty much yeah

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Cool. I’ll probably bring back Lync, then. Glad I didn’t make a stealthy character, because that’s what I really intended her to be.

On a different note, do medics use magic?

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No, it’s practical stuff, like tourniquets, bindings, that sorta thing

…You know Medics still have weapons right? Smaller stuff, like knives, but they still have them, they use them for their healing

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About how long before Tale of the Timberwolves does this take place?

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About 8 years, but Timberwolves has been completely scrapped, so who knows, as I will redo Timberwolves’s story in Vol. 2

so there goes one character idea

Alright, I’ll join once I think up a character.

Alright great! I’d recommend making a character who lives in the Ice region, as it’s the most canonically developed.
Also, due to high hype levels from my buddies who’ve already joined, I will probably have the main topic up soon!

Name: zangheli (lol!)
Age: 22
Class: assassin
Weapons: excessive amounts of knives, a straight edged sword, a mix of poisons and potions and a bow.
Bio:zangheli was raised on the the streets
By three fingered merchants.
Personality: kind of a loner, who hides many secrets.

Name: Maxwell.
Age: 30ish.
Class: Warrior.
Weapons: A pair of maces, and more knives then any one man has the right to carry.
Bio: Maxwell loves a good spectacle, almost as much as he loves a good bloody fight. Incredible strength, surprising agility, a dash of dramatic flare and a remarkable height help with these endeavours. He yells, gets drunk, and knows everyone.
Personality: Rather eccentric and dramatic.


Yeah meant to add that in. Doing that now.

Name: Saras
Age: 35
Class: Warrior
Weapons: Broadsword enchanted by Magical friend (just makes it harder to break and sharper than usual, nothing more), Shield, one-handed crossbow.
Bio: A father who is wanting to protect his family, he is here only for them. He lost one son, once a while ago, he isn’t ready to lose the rest of them. Unfortunately though, his bloodlust sometimes wins over in battle.
Personality: Caring, Calm-headed, yet vicious in battle.

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Ok, have him run along the passageway behind us, (Although we’re in the room beyond)

Name: Catina

Age: 17

Class: Barkeep and owner of The Lucky Black Cat. (Location pending. Maybe the merry band of heroes can find it in their travels.)

Weapons: Concealed throwing knives, and a short sword. Also small collection she keeps hidden behind the bar. Plus her decision to serve someone or not.

Bio: Last surviving member of her family, thus the owner of the family business. But surprisingly rich and powerful as a result of controlling the flow of alchohol. That however, has the inherent risk of The Cult viewing her small empire as a threat.

Personality: Latin. Exact region either unknown, or uncared about. Nice to customers no matter what, so long as they follow the house rules displayed around her establishment. And she is a little defensive about prowlers after she’s closed for the night. Mostly because of two little thieves of The Shent Family repeatedly trying to steal something from the storeroom.


Ah, so she’s from the south? Well, I wasn’t planning for them to visit a second bar, but we’ll see, your character is fine