The Winter Legion Compendium Vol. 2 (RP Topic)

“understood ma’am” they both say, jumping down


Calvma rolls out of the way and tackles the sunblessed beginning to violently beat it across the face.

“DONT YOU TOUCH HER!” Azurai yelled in rage as he blocked the strike. Mayluna took the advantage and ran to the side stabbing it in the back.

“You ■■■■■!” Elia said angrily as she waited for an opening.

“Time to kill!” He said with glee, Then he stops and clutch’s his arm as a familiar sensation Rush’s through him, “wait for me!” He shouted at ace and alice.

Thomas drew his sword but didn’t attack as the mark on his arm was glowing and his arm was practically vibrating from excitement.


Amber steps into the fray, jabbing at a sunblessed with her spear.


“okay, but don’t ruin our routine” warns Alice, as they wait for him


Catina joins the battle, Sword in hand. The Sunblessed that charged her was surprised when she held up her free hand, and a patch of ice appeared under his feet as he ran for her. His feet went out from under him, and he landed flat on his back. He roared in pain as her sword found a home in his chest.

Slashing at her with his bladed Tonfa made her jump back, pulling her sword out in the process. So she stood at the ready as he slowly stood up again and composed himself.


Jacent bolted towards Alice and ace “now lets kill these f*ckers” he says drawing his sword and raising a skeletal minion


The sunblessed smashes him back with a surprise attack with both of his wings

The tips of two blades appear from under his ribcage as he is struck from behind by the one he was ignoring

The one attacking Mayluna presses forward, giving her no quarter

The Sunblessed reaches a hand out for her throat

it blocks with it’s wing, staring at her blankly

The Sunblessed looks down and back up at Catina condescendingly, she laughs, “Magic really?” She raises her arms and a blast of heat emanates from her, as well as a beam of destructive light from her chest, which fires straight at Catina (Like Iron Man’s chest laser)


Elia ducks under as she swings her sword upwards as she stands back up, cutting its hand off as she kicks it back.

Calvma falls back and grabs his Halberd, readying it. “Id give you a battle salute, but you sure as hell don’t deserve one.”

Mayluna steps back as Azurai shouts in rage from the strike, breathing heavily as swung around with his sword, swinging at its head.

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The hand is regrown, but made of pure light, a beam shoots at Elia, striking her shoulder punching through to the other side

“I am offended, I am as honourable as you”

The sunblessed after Mayluna gives her no quarter, driving her back step by step

The one Azurai swings at takes the hit, and loses the right side of their head

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Azurai then shoulder charges them to the ground and stabs his blade through it’s chest where it’s heart would be before turning his attention the Mayluna as he charged at it. Mayluna saw Azurai coming as she charged at it as well, slashing her sword while she ducked as she watched Azurai Blade cut through its neck.

“Fight like a warrior then, rely on your weapons not your ■■■■ magic.” Calvma growls.

Elia steps back as she feels her shoulder. “What are you?”

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Both rise again they advance on Azurai and Mayluna

“I am fighting like a warrior, I have no magic”

“I was once a man, but now, I am ascendant, to something higher”

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“They won’t die!” Mayluna shouted as she looked at Azurai and pulled the weapon out of his back, shocked at how he ignored it. “I refuse to die to these things.”

“The wings beg to differ.” Calvma responded.

“Oh god, some holy angel ■■■■■■■■?” Elia groaned.


The two of them laugh, but the sound has fused into one voice from the loss of their heads

“I just have Wings, for I am not human, thanks for being racist”

“Which god do you curse to? And what is an Angel?”

“Oh right I forgot 300 years have passed, things are bound to be forgotten.” Elia sighed.

“Whatever you are, we will not die by your hand!” Azurai stated.

“I don’t care what you are.” Calvma snarled.

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Jacent Rush’s to the front line “attack minion!” Pointing at elia, Azurai and calvama “kill them squire!”


“I am 4000, thank you very much” The Sunblessed says offended, “I serve the fire god, one of four true gods, pick one of them to curse to”

They laugh again, “We would find that too easy, we will kill you when you can put up a fight”

“You’re the one accusing me of using Magic”


“You refuse to die though.” Azurai pointed out.

“I’m sorry but I’m done with gods.” Elia replied flipping the dagger over and over until he striked.

“Are we gonna fight or argue?” Calvma asked becoming bored.


the twins converge on Calvma from both both sides


Jacent sent a ball of fire at Azurai and his minion struck at Elia

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