Things You Dislike About the Channel


I don’t have all that much I really appreaciate the work that they are doing :+1:,on the other hand lately nobody(well not nobody I don’t want to give names) seems to debate but rather laugh and make jokes no offense,yet in my opinion this laughing and making jokes should decrease and debating should increase,it doesn’t have to be about Bionicle,but when you say that you are in the topic please stay on topic. Thankyou.(This is just for the recent podcasts)these are just minor things in my opinion I hope I made myself clear by not hurting anyone Thankyou again very much.

That it’s about Bionicle :stuck_out_tongue:

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I just wish the Cast was more professional, and if someone makes a mistake then correct it quickly rather than arguing about it for five minutes.

Also get to the Bionicle news first, usually viewers have to wait for a while for any information.


Indeed. For Breaking News, it sometimes comes a little too late, hours after the news came out.

That’s kinda their shtick though. :slight_smile:


Yeah, and if that was gone…TTV would lose their soul, and their own touch.


As the Top 10s have been rolling out over the past few months, I’ve noticed one aspect of them that consistently irks me to no end. You guys don’t seem to have scripts.

From what I understand the Top 10 narration is composed individually by the week’s host, so I suppose I shouldn’t expect perfect consistency. But I have noticed a consistent problem. You guys often have numerous verbal slip-ups when it comes to sentance structure, word usage and delivery. This kind of thing is perfectly excusable in something like the hour-long podcast. But it really lowers the quality of an 8 minute countdown video. And that’s a shame because the music, text and images you guys have for the Top 10s is top-notch. So I ask, would it be possible to compose scripts for future episodes? Just my two cents… =D



You’d be surprised. They all just suck at reading.


Especially Eljay

Can you have a podcast summery video after you release the podcast, done by only you, or something like that? @IllustriousVar

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A podcast summery? As an a highlight reel? Or would you want a run down of everything that was discussed?



It’s not necessarily a bad idea, though I feel like the description does an adequate job of detailing what was discussed and where to find it usually.

Is there any particular format you’d want it to be presented?


Anyway that make you comfortable!

I’d like it if the names of the cast members speaking were in the description. I’d be nice to be able to get a reminder without turning all the way back to the beginning.


Although it would be hard work or be hard to script, it would be cool to see your names in the corner when speaking.

That’s it! I shall become an underli- I mean intern-worker for TTV as their unofficial compilation/highlights maker! I shall create the series: _____ Moments with TTV! XP


On iTunes, not only is the feed rarely updated, but a lot of the newer podcast episodes as well as episodes 135 and 136 are at the very bottom of the feed. Is there any way for you to fix that? Also, I understand you guys work hard on editing the podcast, but I just don’t understand it’s inconsistent schedule. At first, it was usually uploaded around 2am - 4am on Tuesday (My time). Then, after the Vessel change, it started being uploaded at around 11am - 5pm on Monday (My time). Then after episode 152 or so, it started being uploaded around 2am - 4am on Tuesday again. Something I also wanted to point out is, I don’t believe that the TTV Podcast Aftershow on Vessel right now is for 149. I can’t exactly remember what episode it may be for, but the Aftershow for 149 is actually on the iTunes version, after about a minute of silence. Was that on purpose?

Also, is the first season of the Lego Worlds Let’s Play over? Episodes just stopped out of nowhere like 2 months ago…

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OK sure that can be considered bad, but what about the stuff they left in that is kinda worse, like when they were sharing their opinions on the Star Wars Buildable Figures and Exx started going on about what he would do with Jango Fett’s shoulder armor with Roodaka.