Toa Ahiru V4

Once again, I have almost completely revamped him. Sorry. Custom torso though!

So yeah. I quite like the new look. Might try a custom head. I did keep the shoulders and lower legs. So what do you guys think?


Trying out some different masks, how does this look?


Really like it, specially the shoulders, one minor thing is that the green is all centralized in one place, but thats not exactly a bad thing, almost gives him a shirtless kinda vibe, even the white claw pieces help this.
One bigger thing is the trans light blue, the bones in the arms are trans light blue but the legs only have dots, so there’s a little bit of a color balance issue there.
Personally i’d flip the lower legs backwards because the larger overlapping piece is at the back, but thats whatever.
Also the weapon is very hard to make out.

Thank you for the feedback! The shirtless vibe wasn’t intended, more like the latest version of @CZQ’s SelfMOC, (like armor or clothing). I probably will take out the transparent blue though.

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hi again, duckie!
love the xtra pics!
oh, and what mask is that? It’s really cool and I haven’t seen it yet.

Agori Tarduk’s. Thanks!