Toa Hagah Questions

We know that several high-level Makuta were given Toa Hagah teams as guardians before it was revealed that they were trying to overthrow Mata Nui. However, that still leaves several questions: The Hagah team we’re most familiar with was led by Norik and became the Rahaga(h?). They all wielded spears and had rotuka shields- was this how all Hagah teams were armed, or was that just Norik’s team (I know that they all had routuka weapons, just not if they all were placed in shields). Also, that team consisted of the usual six elements- did the other teams have other elements, like gravity or psionics? Were the matoran who became Hagah chosen for the task, or were the toa selected from preexisting teams as the best of the best? We know that all their masks were molded after fallen toa heroes, but who chose the masks’ forms, the toa or the makuta? Was Varian a Hagah, or just someone who happened to team up with a Hagah on occasion? When were the Hagah first made and assigned to various Makuta? Was “Hagah” more a status or an actual designation?


Varian was in Norik’s original team, before Norik became a Toa Hagah.

A few things of these were answered in canon lore as far as I remember:

It was said somewhere that Makuta liked having Toa Hagah of Iron or Magnetism - because that way they could keep an eye on them.


The various teams were recruited over time, but after the Convocation. I think I remember this being answered in another post already…?


The fact that there were more than six elements (seven, with light) wasn’t canonized until later in 2005.
And as I recall, Makuta feared toa of iron and magnetism. They committed genocide against them sometime after their corrupted ascension.

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