Toa Hauna (self-moc)

I’ve been working on my self-moc for a couple of days but I recently just finish. I’m still working on her backstory, but here is Hauna, toa of Iron.


The colours work and the gear mechanism seems interesting, however the build seems overly simple. Using custom limbs make a moc seem more unique which is especially important for self mocs.
Even just a more apparently custom torso could work. right now the moc just comes off as a bit too basic and this makes it boring.

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Really good look for such a simple MOC.

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She’s fine, but nothing revolutionary. She still looks good though. The waepon, however, is extraordinary.

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I didn’t like this when I first saw it, but coming back, I found it to be quite a nice moc, the build is good and the scarf is fun. All in sll, a solid moc worthy of my time.

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Really good for a simple feminine moc. Proportions are handled well imo. Posing does help though.

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I’ve been reading your guys comments and I am glad to see your feedback. I’ve also been updated Hauna and now here’s her current version.


Funny enough my selfmoc uses a very similar lower leg design…

(I guarantee that’s just a coincidence :stuck_out_tongue:)