Toa mahri Jaller Revamp

This is my take on Jaller mahri

Front Shot

Back Shot

To allow his arms to move freely I have added a double shoulder joint

Arm connection

Symbolism because why not

Photo with original sword

Bonus pic: Right now I am doing a hahli revamp, but I dont know how should I build the limbs, help is appreciated.


Fantastic revamp. I love everything about him.

Excellent job. Arms are awesome.

This is amazing, Jaller was my favorite Mahri set. I still have my original one assembled in my room. Good job mate.

Wow…this is great! Love the look overall, especially the smooth bits.

If you can make the chest portion of the torso a bit more pronounced, it’d be better, but the limbs are all pretty great as is.

I love this, It’s great,
I miss the old chestplate though, loved that part, wish they had used it more than twice.
I’m also a little iffy on the sword, the original just has a really nice feel to it.
but like I said looks great.

It’s a good build. But I’ll be honest, I feel like he’s lost some of the character the original design had.

As a revamp of Jaller ITSELF, it looks nice.


As a Jaller MAHRI, it’s, uh…

It has no tube-fins…

Which kinda negates the fact that this is Jaller MAHRI.


Very well done

######necropost FTW

this is an awesome revamp dude :smile:

Thanks, although by now the moc is scrambled in pieces


Seems a little bulky and doesn’t seem to have much to connected it with the Mahri version - but i like it as a Jaller revamp

How did you build the torso for Hahli?

Can anyone please show me how this is this is built?

Edited for double-post -legomaster

Nice work. I’m especially liking the look of Hahli’s torso design.

@D0ggyDj The waist is built like this. Still trying to work out the rest.

Lol yeah im in the same stage thanks though

He looks really great, but his arms seem a bit too…square.

Does anyone know how to build the Hahli torso seen in the picture? Cuz i know i dont.

[quote=“Hazash, post:16, topic:4131, full:true”]
Nice work. I’m especially liking the look of Hahli’s torso design.

@D0ggyDj The waist is built like this. Still trying to work out the rest.

Edited for Double Posting - Waj