Toa Tuyet (Artwork)

Before I start, I just like to say that I’ve never called myself an “artist” :stuck_out_tongue:

Anyways, I actually like how it turned out (aside from the mask and the fact that her arms are too short…). I tried to make her look like she had the basic “Metru-Build” to match Toa Lhikan. As you can see, I had to redraw the sword several times, just so it would be similar to the BIONICLEsector01 description of Tuyet’s barbed broadsword.

Thanks for viewing!


Hey, it’s better than I can do. :stuck_out_tongue: Looks pretty good.

Very nice. One nitpick, is that she wears the mask of intangiblity, not a noble komau. (Admittedly said mask doesn’t have an image)

That’s simply because that’s the mask the model I used had (I probably won’t post that, since it’s just a basic Metru-Build), and, as you said, there’s no actual image of the Mask of Intangibility, so I kind of just picked a mask that looked good :stuck_out_tongue:

It looks pretty good!

With any artwork, there’s always improvements to be made, but here I think the main things are proportions and cleaner lines.

Well done, and keep up tbe work!

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I couldn’t agree more; the arms came out a lot shorter than I hoped, and as for the lines, I’ve never been that good at making the lines clear.

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It could help to make a sort of skeleton before drawing in the body form and details.

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That’s pretty much what I already do; I just accidentally made her arms too short this time :stuck_out_tongue:

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