Transformers Cybertron Reborn RP topic

OOC: darn. Oh well, if you don’t get to Dreg before then, @UnitaryBog and @Toa_Vladin will pick you up when they get the Key and Ironcald’s ship.

OOC: Noted; also, I do have an idea for a new character that can act as both an escort, vehicle and Transtector for Firestorm if I am able to figure it out.

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OOC: Both mate.

Also, I take it Asphalts going to have to jump.

OOC: wait, he didn’t get on?

OOC: may I have some context please?

OOC: I have no idea, I mean, I thought he did but after Blackbelt replied to me

I couldn’t tell.

OOC: sorry, was talking to @KAI_BORG in that last post. Is that what you meant?

OOC: let’s just say Asphalt got on.

IC: “So… which way’s Dreg again?”

“That way.” Asphalt replied, indicating the direction.

OOC: Lets just say IRL I don’t know, in-game Asphalt does know, but just towards Savages locator.

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OOC: what I meant was that “sheer luck” would be him heading out of the archives and leaving them an opening. “Coordination” meant him working to try confusing or disabling systems that would allow them to pull this off; to quote from Spider-man Homecoming, “the Guy in the Chair”, essentially.

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OOC: Ah, that makes more sense.

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OOC: got it.

IC: Ironclad heads in the direction Asphalt pointed.

OOC: plus, you need to keep in mind that Firestorm’s kinda an escape artist so he knows his way around a computer and technical readout of something to find the optimal escape or, maybe in this case, entry route. He did say he was sure Vector Sigma had some kind of maintenance access in some way, shape or form.


OOC: @Toa_Vladin are you here?

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OOC: He isn’t.

Firestorm was still reading up on Cybertronian History.

OOC: I am here now, 18 hours later. Where are we?

Reblast and Mordo were now in the outskirts looking for a bar

“Bar… Bar… There it is!”
And Mordo pointed to a bar.
OOC: What country?

OOC: Still with the Autobots.

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OOC: Thanks.