Transformers: Salvation

Thrift shrugs.

“I dunno,” he says. “Regardless, though, you won’t meet a bot who bore witness to the spectacle who’ll dispute that, when the sun set that day, Constructicon Maximus had met his end at the bottom of Junkheap’s Gorge.”

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Zepar nods, “Speaking of resolving things, have the captains made their verdict regarding your stowing away?” He asked.

“Oh, yeah that got taken care of,” Thrift says, waving his hand. “My business and I are here to stay.”

“In that case, I have a few business questions about that Cryo-condor that got loose.” He said, “Anything of note about her you’d like to share?”

“Oh, Shadowraker’s great!” Thrift explains. “Her modifications aren’t anything fancy, sure, but if you’re just looking for some company and extra firepower, she fits the bill.”

“And what of who she is?” He asks, “Her disposition, attitude, quirks, etc.”

Roadkill is driving around the ship before Road Lord stops him
“It’s boring here!” He grumbles
“Look, wreckage of another ship!” Ace gasps, looking out of a window
“Looks like Roadkill flew it!” Aridocara chuckled
“I’m going to fly it now!” Roadkill smirks, he transforms into his vehicle mode and drives to the hangar all the others follow him all except…

“You know, maybe I do have a destiny?” Delta smirks “Older bots seem to think their better, except you, what’ your name?” She asks Thrift

“Well since we got that out of the way,” Sidestrike said popping his knuckles as he sat on the chair and started to search through the datanet.

Sidewire was playing the video game and looked like he was brainwashed or something.
Paradox noticed it but he also noticed something strange outside the window.
There was an ancient ship which he never saw before. “Uh what is that?” he said pointing with his finger.

“What did you saw?” Techwarp asked approaching the window and saw it. “Well, you said things were getting boring so how about we explore that?”

Sidestrike wasn’t listening as he was too in his world and spoke. “Hey guys there is an ancient ship just outside or a little bit far away from salvation,” he said looking at them which Techwarp, Paradox, and Sidewire had their arms crossed and gave him the look.

“What?” Sidestrike asked confused.

Paradox sighed.

“Okay, cut the chatter looks like we got some exploration to do,” Magnobolt said standing up and stretched his gears.

The rest made themselves ready. Magnobolt left his room followed by his teammates they were headed towards the closest Hangar to that ship.

“You’ll love 'er,” Thrift assures Zepar. “She might try and wander off every now and then, but she’ll always come back if you treat her nice. Oh, and she’s partial to a certain brand of energon chips. I’ve got plenty of 'em, but she’ll also eat most of the usual stuff, too.”

These guys might run into Sprocket and his research team, who were also bound for the ancient vessel.

“Hello, by the looks of things we are headed into the same direction,” Magnobolt told Sprocket.

Roadkill drive into Magnabolt by accident
“BE CAREFUL YOU IDIOT!” Aridocara yells

“Does she hold grudges?” Zepar asked, sounding a bit worried.

Sprocket nods.

“Ancient ship?” he guesses. “Yep! Primus, this is exciting! I mean, yeah, you can find wrecks all across the Imperium, but…”

“Depends on how you’ve wronged her,” Thrift says with a shrug. “But, she’ll let you off the hook eventually if you have offended her so.”

“But what?” Magnobolt asked.

It didn’t flinch him however it did set him off. “Um, rude don’t you think?” Magnobolt said as he turned his attention towards Sprocket.
“So where were we?” he said. “Oh yes but what?” he asked again (@Chromeharpoon)

Zepar tells how he managed to capture Shadowraker, tackle and all.

“Well, this ship could help answer the big question of what happened to the Knights!” Sprocket says enthusiastically. “Where they went, what they were up to, why we haven’t seen them since the Golden Age…”


Thrift strokes his chin for a moment.

“…That might earn you a bite to the finger or two,” he admits.

Sidestrike hearing the words knights got him really excited. “Wait Knights of Cybertron?” he asked excited. “Oh I would very much want to explore that ship with you, please very much sir.” he pleaded.

“It would be educating and interesting to say the least.” Magnobolt adds.

“Yeah totally.” Paradox deadpans crossing his arms.

“How much to adopt her?” Zepar asks, placing ten Shanix on the table, kept in a ‘cage’ by his hand.

Sprocket shrugs.

“Sure, you guys can come!” he invites.

Thrift looks down at the ten shanix.

“More than that,” he informs Zepar. “I’d say she’s worth… mmm… three-hundred-and-fifty shanix. Or the equivalent.”

“Why 350?” Zepar asks, trying to think of what a Junkion would consider of equivalent value.