Transformers: Salvation

“I think Motherboard knows this already, considering she is interfaced directly with the security systems of this ship.” Zepar told Phasewing.

Phasewing nods.

“Yes. Suppose she is,” he says.

“…Need anything else?”

SideStep grabs his axe hilt, letting it hang loosely in his hand.
“Status report, now.” he growled.
Topside might notice a slight slur of SideStep’s words.

“May I have the recordings?” He asks.

Phasewing shakes his head.

“Can’t do that. Sorry. Senders can be removed from suspect pool.”

“Okay, not a betting mech, then,” Topside replies, maintaining his calm.

Broadband mutters a surprised “Oh slag” as she sees SideStep ready his weapon.

“Shall I notify security now, captain Topside?” Motherboard inquires monotonously.

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“YES!” he excitingly. “We did it!” with all of that excitement he hugged Song (@Toa_Vladin)

SideStep attempted to activate his weapon, but the rusted, old hilt merely clicked.
He looked down at it. “What the…?” He tried agajn, the hilt clicking again.
“****” SideStep swore.

Zepar thought for a moment, “I understand but I would like to bring these to Flareshot for him to see.” He explained.

“…Well that was anticlimactic,” Broadband comments, “but also kinda funny.”

Topside sighs. “Get outta here, man.”

“Answer still no,” Phasewing replies. “Flareshot will have to trust you. Or me. Us. Whatever.”

SideStep looked up at TopSide.
“Fine, then. For the last time, give me the ****** status report!”

“Ironsight, sir” (@HewksDKowlihad)

“This is great!” Broadband asides. “Seriously, I wish I had popcorn! …Y’know, if I could eat popcorn…”

“Captain, just humor the guy, come on,” Flyby chuckles.

Topside sighs again. “Fine.”

“Aside from the damage to our starboard side and the drunk lunatic harassing the bridge crew, on top of the crazy Decepticon splinter group dogging us constantly- with the help of a spy, no less- and the reality the fate of our god and entire species, we’re green.”

“I dunno, that sounds more like a deep yellow to me, sir,” Broadband comments.

■■■■■■■■■■■■ nods. He activates his communicator, and orders Ironsight to report to the war room.

SideStep listened.
“Right. Where’s the lunatic, I’m gonna talk to him.”

“Scrap…” he said, throwing the ball to the two.

“Oh my god, I just told you not to do that!”
Song said before…

…this happened.
She looked confused at what just happened, visibly perplexed.
“OK… I kinda lost some of my appreciation on Alchemist…”

Then this happened.
Song stood still for a few seconds, with her eyes widely opened. Her expression was… She definitely didn’t know what to do. She was never part of a such scenario. Although from this angle, Sidestrike could not see her expression.
“Yes…! Ha ha…! We did it…!” she said with little fake excitement in her voice.

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After Sidestrike came to his senses and see what he has done and looks at what he has done, he then ends the hug and steps a bit back and feels a bit awkward, he fakely coughs and breaks the silence. “Sorry…”

Song continued eyeing him, her optics opened widely.
“It’s OK… I guess…” she muttered.

“Okay…” he said, as his optics were turning a bit wide as well. “So…shall we enter inside?” he asked.

She entered without saying anything.

Ah scrap.” he thought. He followed her. “Why did you even hugged her, the hell is wrong with you.” he thought, tapping his head.

“Did I make him understand that I like him?” Song thought. “I mean, he is kinda nice but… He is a Decepticon, and not really my type…”