Transformers: Salvation

Just then Alterion entered the room. After Gronius gave him a quick summary, Alterion turned to the Cryocondor.
“Go back to the ship. Bring Redstocker. Bring anybody! I have the weird feeling that somebody was here not so much time ago.”

Shadowraker gave an indignant squawk, as if to ask who died and made Alterion king, before flying off to find Zepar or Sprocket.

If she flew above the Salvation, she would see Redstocker rolling past Ace and Road Lord.

She swooped down to try and get Redstocker to follow her.

Redstocker was rolling his wheelchair towards the entrance, not noticing the bird.

“So we can start collecting samples from the hive on the ship,” Forcep murmurs, “but that doesn’t solve the spark issue; new CNA would be worthless if we don’t give them new sparks to divide…”

Sprocket was aboard Salvation, arguing with Grommet again.

“Come on, a little ‘ground bridge’ set up in one of the hangars would be useful, don’t deny it,” Sprocket proposes.

“I don’t doubt the benefits that it would bring us,” Grommet replies, “but I do doubt our ability to build such a thing. Do you know why a new space bridge hasn’t been built since the end of the Golden Age?”

“Because nobody knows how, yeah, yeah,” says Sprocket, waving his hand. “But we can figure it out. We’ve got the greatest scientific mind aboard, remember?”

“Last I checked,” Grommet replies, “Shockwave wasn’t dabbling in space bridges.”

“Yeah, I know,” says Sprocket. “I was talking about myself,” he jokes.


Shadowraker squawked at him, trying to get him to look up.

“This looks like one of your types!” Ace chuckles, Road Lord glares

“Blasted bird! Leave me alone! Leave me alone!” He yelled trying to hit her with the butt of his shot gun.

Shadowraker circled around him as she tried to avoid the weapon, trying to get him to follow her.

“First Alterion leaves me, then you come! That’s just Prime!” He says, trying to continue his road.

Shadowraker screeches indignantly at Redstocker as she flies off to find someone else in the ship that may help.

OOC: Song?
IC: “That’s right! Go away you flying rat!”
He said, entering in.

Shadowraker eventually finds Sprocket’s lab and tries to get his attention.


Redstocker started mumbling his regular old man stuffs as he headed towards the Antilian Sunrise.

Sprocket waves and hurries over.

“Hey, you’re Zepar’s bird, aren’t you?” he greets Shadowraker.

Halfrunner was planetside, so the junkion disk jockey was running the establishment at the moment. Techno music plays throughout the bar as the DJ wordlessly serves patrons their drinks.

Forcep begins to leave the mutant hive; he had some work to do.

Another hive of insecticons awakens beneath the ocean floor, detecting the activation of the ancient ground bridge. The hive’s queen begins to rouse her subjects; their salvation was at hand.

Redstocker let his wheelchair roll freely to a table. He didn’t bothered to stop it. It hit into the table, likely knocking a chair or something on the table down.

Shadowraker looked antsy and flew up and circled around the lab, trying to tell Sprocket he needed to follow her.

OOC: oh crap. I seriously hope that this very active hive doesn’t try to attack but go for a diplomatic solution instead.

Also, would such activity be detectable by the Salvation?

A glass of engex falls off and spills its contents on the floor. The DJ stops to look at Redstocker. Though his eyes were hidden behind a black visor, his exasperated expression was still easy to read.

“Dude,” it conveyed, “really?”

Grommet begins to grumble as Shadowraker passes uncomfortably close to his equipment.

“Hey, hey! Calm down,” Sprocket implores the bird. “What do you want?”


Shadowraker squawks at Sprocket, flying by the door and him to show she wanted him to follow her.

“We’d need to leave some of our own people here?” Zepar asked Forcep, concern apparent in his tone.