Transformers: Salvation

Zepar tries to investigate these things.

Song looked intrigued at him.
“And… What makes you special then?”

The detached arm had taken fire primarily to its engines, by all appearances. The craft’s assailants had wanted to ensure that it couldn’t escape whatever fate had been in store for it.

Zepar brings out his new CLUTCH drone and tries to send it inside the ship to explore around to see if it could find out what drove the Knights of this ship to disable it like this.

“Because Road Lord changes me to be my own person and like him!” Ace smiles

The interior of the arm at first appeared to conform to the usual architectural patterns of the Knights of Cybertron- complex, embellished, and employing mostly shades of grey, silver and bronze-

-but a close examination revealed that something was… off, concerning the finer details. Namely, the artwork and cyberglyhpic writings that were commonplace on Knight ship and strongholds was… distorted. This was not a result of damage or decay- carvings and sculptures seemed malformed and poorly-made, and the text adorning the walls made no sense- as if the one writing them hadn’t been entirely sane.

Zepar thought on this: the faint signal plus all this…“Motherboard, could you scan the derelict for life signals apart from my own?” He asked.

“Scanning…” Motherboard announces. “Crewman Zepar, unless the cruiser’s stasis pods have remained active all this time, it is statistically unlikely that any of the crew remain alive after so long adrift.”

“Unlikely but not impossible.” Zepar said as he sent her images of what his drone saw, “But, this does warrant suspicion, I think.”

“…What the…” Broadband could faintly be heard swearing through the commlink.

“Consider me creeped out,” Breakswitch comments.

“…Indeed,” Motherboard replies.

“Scanning… no life signs detected on either part of the cruiser, apart from your own, crewman Zepar,” Motherboard reports. “I am detecting an anomalous energy reading aboard the main vessel, however. I am unable to determine a more precise location at this time.”

“Do you think it may be related to Dark Energon?” He asked. He knew the stuff wasn’t very common but that didn’t stop the occasional instances when people across the eons decided to conduct experiments with the stuff.

“Isn’t that a little bit of a contradiction?” she said, raising an eyebrow.

“I cannot speculate as to the nature of the readings at the present time,” Motherboard says. “I will cross-reference with what data is available on the Blood of Unicron, though what information we have is very little.”

Zepar connects the drone to his comlink to give Motherboard a live feed.

Debris drifts around the interior of the separated arm. Some of it was from the ruined interior, though other pieces were likely, morbidly, all that remained of the crew within after so long.

Zepar arms the self-defense systems on the drone and sends it into the main part of the ship with the order to find the anomaly’s source and immediately return to him when it’s had a clear look at it.

A section of the main section of the cruiser had been reduced to rubble, and provided plenty of openings for the drone to enter the ship. The interior was lit only by the nearby star’s blue light, casting long shadows and giving everything the disturbing appearance of being covered in energon blood.

Zepar tries to guide the drone to the anomalous signal, trying to only get a good look and not engage it…which, considering the paint job, would mean making the drone fly like a bat out of heck once it got a good look.

“He tells me not to think about that sort of thing…”

It was unfortunately impossible for Zepar’s drone to pinpoint the exact source of the strange signal aboard the ship. It seemed to be in multiple places at once aboard the vessel, and changed positions and concentration frequently.

From the drone’s cameras, Zepar could see that the same bizarre anomalies in the art in cruiser’s detached arm were present in this stretch of the vessel, too, if not throughout the whole ship.