Transformers: Salvation

The beast slowly moved her head towards him.
“Uhm… Hi?” Delta said with a deeper, fake voice.
OOC: @Chromeharpoon how was her beast mode called again?

“Have you tried to scan the entire ship?” Gronius asked, raising his hand.

“Some kind of anomalous signal is interfering with that.” He said.

This elicits similar reactions from the bridge crew.

Yeah, captains? Can I blow it up now?” Flyby asks.

“All in favor, say aye?” Broadband suggests.

Motherboard, however, does not react, of course.

OOC: It’s called an ursagryph.

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“Oh. Well, this place seems to be pretty dead. Have you checked the bridge?”

OOC: Thanks.

“Do you know what that sword’s name is?” Zepar asks Gronius, pointing at the weapons of the statues.

OOC: who has Shockwave’s shopping list?

“The… Dark Star Saber?” Gronius tried his luck.

Zepar nods grimly, “The blade of the False One, Nemesis Prime; herald and son of Unicron.” He said. “If such images is depicted, I fear this place may be playing host to Dark Energon and, Primus help us, possibly even Terrorcons, reanimated corpses that seek only to destroy.”

Gronius slapped Zepar strongly on his back, chuckling.
“Come on! Don’t be silly!”

“I’m not joking.” Zepar said, being completely serious.

“Motherboard, any luck on scanning for Dark Energon?” He asked on the comlink. (@Chromeharpoon)

SideStep entered the bridge.
“I have a shopping list… we need to get these things from the ship before anything goes wrong.” He told the captains.

“The presence of Dark Energon is likely, however unconfirmed,” Motherboard reports. “Recommend the exercise of caution.”

SideStep wanders in just as Motherboard finished speaking.

“Well get going!” Flyby advises. “I’m pretty keen on melting it to slag!”

“Not until I give the order, Flyby,” Topside cautions the pilot.

“, yes, sir.”

“Cheer up,” Breakswitch says to her brother. “You’ll get to fire that warp cannon one day.”

Behind Zepar and Gronius was the console that Gronius had passed earlier.

“Do we already have some guys down there?” SideStep asked.

“Crewmen Gronius and Zepar are already aboard the derelict,” Motherboard reports in her usual monotone.

“Great. Do any of them have knowledge in the Ancient language?” SideStep continued, reading off of the list.

Zepar walks over and tries to see what information could be learned from it.

“Crewman Zepar is likely familiar with ancient cybertronian and cyberglyphics, being an Angelicon,” Motherboard says. “The three combiners referring to themselves as the Splitter brothers have also displayed the ability understand the ancient languages.”

The console displayed a warning message, written in cyberglyphics:

"All surviving hands: containing the [ERROR]-ve failed. We are regrouping in the second arm for evacuation while [ERROR]"

Zepar tries to unscramble the errors, praying this wasn’t related to Dark Energon.

So damaged was the machine and so corrupted was the message that Zepar was unfortunately unable to unscramble the message.

“What was this ship carrying and why does it bear depictions of the Heralds?” He asked as he tried to search for that information.

Some of the computer’s logs could still be (barely) read, making reference to an “artifact” that was meant to be taken back to cybertron for study, and then… something else. Whatever was meant to happen to the artifact after study could not be determined.

No answer could be found as to why the cruiser bore depictions of the Dark Star Saber, or (unknown to our heroes) the Dead Matrix.