Transformers: Salvation

“H-hi! Wh-what are you doing?”

Driftburn comments,
“Em, We need some help, I believe there was something in one of the hangars em… now that I think of it I’ll need to double check which hangar it was.”

Daria looks at him,
“Is that so? If there is something I’ll help.”

Salvo whips around, her targeting laser racing up Juliana’s torso. She takes a step back, however, once she realizes that she was no longer aiming at a tree. A low him is heard as Salvo’s weapons power down.

“Oh,” she flatly reacts, her face hidden behind a cherry-red visor.

“Pardon me; just testing out a new targeting system.”

Zepar, tentatively, sits down in the chair.

Zepar may feel a chilling sensation run up his arms and into his processor as the Savant connects to his neural net. Strings of cyberglyphics run across his vision, and whisperings in ancient cybertronian echo in his audio receptors.

“Cortical Psychic Patch successful. Transferring control to captain.”

“Automated repairs progressing at 73 percent efficiency.”

@MaxinePrimal @Jcton @Toa_Vladin @ProfSrlojohn

All aboard the Inquisitive Savant would feel a slight tremor run down the ship as more lights of varying shades of blue, orange, and green bloom to life throughout the corridors. On the bridge, the curved, dark grey walls ripple and appear to become transparent; the cavernous hangar thirty-one could now be seen from the chamber. In reality, an advanced network of cameras across the ancient ship were simply projecting the footage they recorded, in real-time, on the walls of the bridge.

Zepar was dumbfounded, he didn’t mean to take control of the ship and now he was. He tries to put out a notice to the Salvation, making a last call for anyone wanting to go on the scouting mission to board the Savant or be left behind.

“Roger that, Tall-Red-and-Holy,” Broadband replies over the comms.

“We read y- hold-on-they’ve-done-what-now?!” the communications officer could be heard shouting to someone else on the bridge- most likely Motherboard.

“What’s going on?” Zepar asks.

Juliana stepped back, and then resumed her previous position.

“B-but why on a tree? Don’t they have non-living targets for that?” She asked.

Gatecrasher felt the tremor, but his large base kept him from moving to much. When the ship’s bridge became clear, he let out a surprised cry.

OOC: you totally didn’t rip off the Israeli Iron vision did you?

Driftburn goes to a access panel to see if there was a hangar with anything interesting going on. @Chromeharpoon

“Reports say you just got a hundred million year-old shipwreck up an running again, is what!” Broadband exclaims in disbelief.

Salvo considers this, and then shrugs.

“Needed some fresh air,” she offers as explanation.

OOC: Perhaps


Likely, Driftburn would read about the goings-on in hangar thirty-one.

Driftburn’s eyes widen, something interesting,
“Yup, here it is hangar 31, where the old ship is. I believe there was a call for help there.”

Daria walks over and peers over his shoulder,
“An old derelict ship? It certainly seems interesting. Well, at least you aren’t lying, let’s go see what it has to offer.”

Driftburn leave the access panel, scratching the back of his head. A sigh of relief passes as they walk to Hangar 31.

“Would you believe me if I told you that I am connected to it right now as we speak?” Zepar asked.

Broadband chuckles.

“Heck, at this point you could tell me that Nemesis Prime himself is back from the dead and hiding in my closet, and I’d give it some serious consideration.”

“O-ok, but why test weapons? The park is supposed to be a place for peace and tranquility, not for weapons.”

OOC: that’s what I figured

Zepar shuddered, “If half the tales of the Heralds are true, I wouldn’t want to be in the same star system as them.” He said.

Salvo looks around, then shrugs.

“Not like I was gonna shoot 'em or anything.”

“Yes indeed,” Broadband agrees.

“Anywho, Savant, you are clear for takeoff. Moorings are releasing you now, and… well, I don’t really know the takeoff procedures for ancient science vessels, sooooo… you do you.”

“Roger that.” Zepar said.

Savant, let’s find a good spot to scout out the planet. he thought as he tried to have the ship begin heading for the hanger doors to exit the Salvation.

The colossal moorings around the Savant release the ancient ship, which begins to back out of hangar thirty-one’s massive aperture.

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Zepar has the ship close all external doors, put on life support for the passengers and try to scan the planet’s surface for a good spot to land so they can see if it’s inhabited and get a better look at the prismatic lights.