Transformers Storm's Wraith RP

OOC: How can you transform into a thing that small? Are you a minicon?

“The same that happened to Flashback’s group. They died, just like thousands of other good transformers, both autobot and decepticon.”

Shellrush sat in the audience, not caring much for the debate.

“Poor souls.”

"No, not like every other casualty of the war. Howlback got ripped and half by Guzzle who drank her energon afterwards. Roadbuster tore out Enemy’s spine before making him eat it. Wingthing tried to surrender, but they blew him to bits. They made Flipsides do the whole Mode drill thing, and after all of that, they ripped open BoomBox’s chest door, and shoved their remains into the chest cavity, as some sort of cruel joke. "

“The horrors of war never stay silent.” Loudmouth mutters to himself.

“Alright? How about the Decepti-bomb? Misnomer actually, I did my research, the Decepticons didn’t attack Carpessa. It wad an Autobot weapon, they deployed it on Carpessa to gain the support of the neutral. Every single survivor of the blast signed up to be an Autobot that day.”

“What about the living mines? Heads were taken and rewired into land mines that blew up when they got scared. The only way to disarm them was to kill them.”

"Zeta Prime ’ s Vampiric Ribbon’s. Brainstorm’s unmentionables. The Wrecker ’ s murder of Squadron x? "

“Zeta was a monster, and autobot only in name. He didn’t act like a true autobot. Ask anyone.”

“No true Scotsman then, eh?”

“He was a tyrant and a monster.”

“And he was an Autobot”

“Only in name, he was the figure head of a broken system. He was someone who brought shame to the badge I wear.”

“Alright, fine then, tell me what it means to be a True Autobot then.”

“The opposite of Zeta, someone who fights corruption, and enslavement. A true autobot is one who fights for the freedom of every living thing even if it cost him his life.”

“Logical falacy, you said that the Autobots are all good people. I gave you an example of an Autobot that was a terrible person. But then you said,‘oh, but no true Autobot would do those things,’ and you know what that tells me? Absolutely nothing. No True Scotsman, look it up.”

“I never said all autobot are good people, and I never said all decepticons are terrible people.” Loudmouth points out

“No, but, you told me how true autobots act, and how anyone who commits atrocious for the cause aren’t true autobots. So tell me this then, what makes a fake Autobot any less an Autobot compared to true Autobots, pr even better, tell us what a True Decepticon is.”

We are getting so far off topic at this point. “let me answer with a question. What is the meaning of the decepticon cause, what do you fight for, believe in, and count as honor?”