Transformers Storm's Wraith RP

“Yes… But he don’t want like… Kill me or something, right?”

“No, just don’t go around saying we need to go kill some decepticons.”

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“OK. So what is our plan?”

“We go where we feel like it,”

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“Like where? You know I was late here! I even don’t know how many bots are on this ship!”

“I have no idea where.” Loudmouth says with a shrug.

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“Perfect. So we will be some sort of outlaws?”

“No, we are just traveling around. Where did you get that idea from?”

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"Well… We travel here and there, and fight sometimes with bad guys… Like Robin Hood? "

“Who?” Loudmouth asks confused

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“Doesn’t matter. I came here because I wanted to have some fight with forces of evil. Initially, I didn’t knew we will have Decepticon on this ship, but I still want…”

“Look, wars over its no longer autobot DVD. Decrpticons.”

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“Right…” Dicius said, a little sad.

OOC: What is DVD and Decripticon?

OOC: Vs. and decepticon


OOC: the bottom of your posts feature a pencil button that allows you to edit your post.

IC: Direwolf continued monitoring the engines.

Flashback sneaks out of the room.

Loudmouth sleeps on his recharge slab

Direwolf walked over to an energon cooler,(Think water cooler, but energon), Hooked up to several pipes running to and from the engine, and took a sip of Rocket Grade Energon.

Flashback sneaks around the ship

Direwolf tapped back into the Comms system,“You’re not as stealthy as you would like to think.”

“I wasn’t even trying.” Flashback radios back.