Transformers survival of the lost

Load’s holographic interface was still active.

The cameras in the engine room were static

Load takes notice of this and frowns. How had he not noticed this, or any other suspicious activity that might have occurred in the engine room, until now?

OOC: and now we know, in meta, that the killer is a girl.

IC: Alpha looked over this entity to see what he could discern from her appearance. (@Ace)


Totally not creepy at all

IC: Lock serves the patrons.

OOC: people do it all the time; how do you think the phrase, “haven’t I seen you somewhere before?” And phrases like it came to be, or how folks find clues to solve mysteries? Through people’s natural tendency to almost constantly observe and analyze their environment in their day to day lives.

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OOC: I jest; but still, what IC reason does Alpha have to take particular notice of her?

IC: Load continues to try and fix the cameras.

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OOC: she’s someone unfamiliar to him and suddenly showed up; plus the reasons I stated before. Plus I think Alpha would be able to register minute details in those observations due to his job of artillery repair; there are a lot of delicate parts and balances in any sort of firearm. One wrong thing and it’s likely a hospital trip or death in your near future in the worst case scenarios.

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OOC: Alright.

IC: “Hey, Alpha,” Load says, “why don’t you and Lock go down to the engine room? The cameras aren’t working there and a murder took place without my being aware of it despite being keyed into the cameras since before the interrogations .”

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Alpha nods, “We’ll see what we can do.” He told him, getting up from his seat.

OOC: Also, I don’t think folks are too aware/conscious about Alpha’s Claw and Arm Cannon mode for his rocket; I think most folks would be more aware of the hammer and the rocket in order of which ones folks think of first. I think this could be a useful little advantage as not many in the current events have seen him go into his full battle mode for very long, if they’ve seen it at all.

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Lock gets up and deploys his Neutron Assault Rifle.

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“Where’s the Engine Room?” Alpha asks Lock.

“Down this way,” Lock says, indicating the proper direction.

i thought the decepticons would be the creepy ones

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Lock makes his way down to the engine room (@BlackBeltGamer98) while Load tries to get the cameras fixed.

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Alpha followed, he keeps himself alert and kept and eye out for any potential threats.

“See anything yet?” Lock asks his twin over the comm.

“Nope,” Load answers. “Keep your optics sharp.”

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Alpha kept an eye out for anything suspicious, peculiar and for potential threats.

There was a body behind the main turbine, dead via the same methods as before

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Lock enters the engine room, looking around with his weapon at the ready.