Transformers: Tournament of Terror. RP Topic

Backbreaker nods.

“Good,” he says.

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Spirit walked about the empty halls looking about nervously and dejectedly leaning her glassy face down to the floor. She gave a mechanical sigh as she tapped her fingers against the walls quite melancholy like.

Her wings tightened up to avoid scrapping the walls of the prison. She looked around a bit lost as she wandered round. Her small feet barely made any noise as she paced about. She looked around almost hoping someone would pop out.

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With that, Wildsong left and walked off to the tier 2 entrance.

The predacon Razorclaw was wondering around close by.

Just then, the intercom crackled as the first two fighters of the big tournament were about to be announced.

“Backbreaker. Juliana. Report to the arena immediately.”

@Chromeharpoon @ProfSrlojohn

“Oh whoopty doo.” Juliana mutters, as she stops her player and hauls herself up off her bed. She walks swiftly to the arena.

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Railgun slightly tilts his head to a side, optics narrow ever so slightly. He was thinking more or less of, “oh come on,” with her answer. But it seemed that between the Minicon and her, they had a different outlook on the definition of love. Or at least a primary usage of the word. For him, an idea of romantic love was all but nonexistent. Never any time for such, never a chance.

No, for him it was the strength of bonds, the willing of sacrifice and servitude, a connection forged through trials. Something strong between friends, powerful between brothers, and between partners, a connection on a deeper level. That last one he never knew himself, so the concept was foreign. But heard enough to guess that might be what Axis was getting at, even if only starting to see it.

Though when he considered it, how one was to know they were jumping between that final point…He wasn’t sure, perhaps that really is the confusion. If he can see it as an outsider and be confused, to be part of that mess must be all the worse.

And what was a little team leader like him, with no qualifications, going to tell her? If he had to guess, others had already tried. . . And maybe she just needed a break. A problem like this can’t be solved in a day, constant focus would only lead to a headache. That he knows too well, better to stop work on that pain causing project and move to another one. Come back to that problem one later with a fresh perspective.

Yes, perhaps that’s what she needs. Seems Maximus, as unhealthy as his alternative means of dealing with it are, somehow came to that solution before her. Youth sometimes have the right answers after all.

“Then take a walk or some exercise. No-one can sort out feelings in one day, so take a break, focus on something else. Who knows, maybe what you really think will come to you in the distraction.”

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“Seriously, does he read minds or something?” Backbreaker grumbles as he trudges off to the arena.

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At the arena door, there was a surprising lack of noise. It was much quieter than what she would have been used. Stranger still, the door was unlocked. Normally the gate wouldn’t budge until both combatants had arrived.

“You know what. Maybe you’re right.”
Axis said, standing up from the table.
“Maybe a few rounds in the training arena will clear my head. I could use the practice anyway.”

Much like Juliana, Backbreaker would likely notice how quiet it was, and how the door was unlocked from the get go.

Backbreaker takes a step back, before transforming into his beast mode and charging through the unlocked doors with a great crash.

Much to his surprise, the arena was empty. No shouting spectators. No buzzing camera bots. It was dead quiet.

Juliana grabs a an axe similar to the one she had been using earlier from the weapons rack, and steps cautiously in after.

Juliana was greeted with the same sight as Backbreaker. An empty arena void of spectators. Only her opponent on the other side.

Railgun flinched, his face briefly tightening as a result. He had to say something fast to dissuade her.

“The training arena is being used by another bot. Otherwise, that would be a great idea.” He quickly rattles off, though just slow enough to understand.

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“Well do you know who? I’m sure they could be reasonable. Hell, maybe a live sparing partner isn’t a bad idea.”

Juliana kept her axe in the ready position, out and to her side, preparing for any sort of ambush or assault.

“Something about this seem off to you?” Backbreaker calls to Juliana from the other side of the arena. He gestures to the empty stands.

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Railgun considered lying, but it seemed there was no way around this.

“Maximus.” He solemnly replied.

“Very.” She replied.

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“Well. What are you waiting for?”
Iota’s voice called out from the speakers.
“You’re here to fight. So get to it!”

Axis froze for a monent. A look of worry on her face. If Maximus was there, then she definitely couldn’t be. Except…

“You know what, that’s good. Nothing is going to get done if I keep avoiding him. We’re both rational bots. All I need to do is go in there, sit him down, and we’ll talk this out.”
Axis said in a very serious and determined tone of voice.

“With no crowd? What’s the point?” She called up, but turning her attention to Backbreaker.

“Do not question me! I am hosting this tournament for my own purposes! You will do as I say. Now fight!”
Iota shouted angrily.