Transformers: Tournament of Terror. RP Topic

The predacon follows, leaning on Backbreaker for support.

“I mean he’s had the whole lighting thing ever since I met him. But he could never really do anything with it. I guess he’s just getting the hang of it now.”

Backbreaker departs from the arena, carrying Maximus to the medical bay.

Oddball shrugs his shoulders.

“So… No hard feelings right?”
He said weakly.

Backbreaker shakes his head.

“Nah,” he says. “No hard feelings.”

“Oh, and sorry about that whole dashing thing. I honestly don’t know what that was about. My powers have been kinda on the fritz since the fight yesterday.”

“You should get that looked at,” Backbreaker advises him.

“Yeah. Railfire said he wanted to help me out with this. I’m starting to get worried if I’m being honest.”

A tall lanky Decepticon walks past Tie-Grabber. She pauses and looks down. Her face was a clear mask, a single glowing eye piece. She was clearly a victim of empurata. She then squatted down slowly. Spirit, for that was her name, spoke in minicon softly, “Hey there little guy…what’s your name?” Her three fingered hands were held loosely at her sides as she looked at him with what looked like interest. However with no facial features it was incredibly hard to tell.

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Machbreaker transformers and rockets off after the fiend.

“Such a shame that you must die, for what a time it is to drive!” Machbreaker taunts back, swiftly catching up to the slower bot.

Tie-Grabber notices as she comes, but can’t entirely place her. Of course he makes so that it appears he doesn’t notice Spirit, until she suddenly stopped and addressed him. In their own tongue.

He turns and looks at her, giving a stern face not trying to betray his thoughts. His arm still tensed as that plough, ready to attack. He tries to slowly open the hatch by turning his moving his foot slightly. Someone who can understand them might mean they’re a deployer and they were much more a threat to their operations.

He answers with what he thinks Iota might call him in the arena. “Little yellow one.” It was quite serious in tone, but on the inside he was kicking him for using something even worse than the Vex warden.

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Backbreaker leads Maximus into the medical bay.

“Hey, doc!” the gladiator calls to Railfire. “Guess who!”

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“I don’t think so!”
Said a feminine voice behind him. A miniature space fighter rocketing down the hall. She transformed to her robot mode and fired several ion blasts at Machbreaker.

“Clawshot! You’re going the wrong way!”
She shouted at the crane.

Railfire turns to the two of them.
“Lay him on the table. This should take but a few moments of my time.”
He said calmly.

Backbreaker does so. He hadn’t sustained any severe wounds himself, so he wasn’t looking for treatment.

Maximus lay on his back, and Railfire quickly set to work.

“I saw everything. I hope my progeny didn’t give you too much trouble.”
He said, half joking.

She paused, “Little yellow one…” she pondered, “Do you have a name?” She spoke softly, “I love having you little minicons around,” she slipped a hand into a satchel and pulled out a cube of energon, “You been getting enough power? I’ve got a bit I could lend…” She paused yet again. Her wings folded in a little, “I’m not going to hurt you…”

Ha! Not at all,” Backbreaker jokingly replies. “He was too busy throwing himself into the floor half the time.”

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Upon hearing the other voice, he takes evasive actions while still on Clawshot’s tail. Though normally not the greatest at turning, in these smaller spaces Machbreaker didn’t need to turn. He lifts up his form a bit and rides along the walls, avoiding the blasts. He swiftly transitions to the ceiling and turns back into a bot after passing Clawshot so that he lands on top of the crane when he falls down.

Meanwhile, hearing other members in this, Railgun switches to his artillery shells and sends several blasts down the hall after them. He turns into the train and charges forwards to catch up, whistle screaming.

As Spirit takes out the cube, both hear several loud explosive shots coming from inside the walls. Tie-Grabber had noticed a blast earlier, but one shot wasn’t uncommon. This many however, along with the sudden call of the whistle, meant there was trouble. He swiftly reverses what he did to the hatch, locking it, and has his arm loosen up back into its typical crane form.

He swings it out and latches in a crack in the ceiling and goes to swing away from Spirit. Based on the noise, he had a good idea of where they made be headed. After all, most of these trails are his design and he knows where to knock them down. The only thing is need to get past this weird person.

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Railfire gave a soft chuckle. It was astonishing how much the old medic had loosened up since Maximus’ arrival. Even if it was slow going.

Maximus gave a quiet groan. Mildly irritated at the humor had at his expense. Though it didn’t bother him too much.

Railfire then turned his attention to the young pirate.
“It’s clear to me now that you are more capable than even you are aware of. We will have to focus on these abilities of yours with your training.”
He said in a noticeably more serious tone.

“Ah! Son of a scraplet!”
The green minicon shouted when he landed. Tipping on to his side. The energon scattering everywhere.

Seeing the oncoming blasts, Nebula quickly jumps in front of them. While they could have seriously harmed Clawshot, they meant little to her.

“You’re gonna have to try harder than that pal!”
She taunted.

She quirked her head to the side hearing the whistle, “Is one of your friends in danger? Are there more of you?” She sounded excited. Happy even. She stood up and swiftly started to follow the minicon as he swung around. She had long legs and was matching his swings with her strides, “I won’t hurt you know…I didn’t take a minicon with me during the war cause I was worried it might die in an attack…guess I really don’t have to worry about that now!” She gave a peal of laughter. It appeared the grey bot was in a good mood.

Backbreaker leaves the medical bay to retrieve his shield from the arena.

Machbreaker quickly grabs onto one of the cranes and climbs to be on the side that is more straight up. He tries to kick Clawshot, adding some flame from his jets to give minor burns.

Railgun continues to fire artillery shells at Nebula and will likely be upon her soon. His speed and momentum building greatly, it would take a good amount to try and stop him should he charge into her.

“Surrender the stolen Energon and you shall be spared.”

Tie-Grabber was focused on getting to his brothers, but files away what this gal was saying for later. He dives towards the ground transforming and races into a wall. A section of its paneling folds back as he enters before closing back behind him.