Transformers: Twilight of the Golden Age Part II

“Hey you don’t need to scream, you know?”

Ironjaw’s eyes grew to an unnatural size.
“I… want to… Eat that thing. That beautiful, tasty thing!”

“Still, they have the gall to do that?” Firestorm asked, practically shouting, “I swear by Primus himself that if Amalgamous were here, he would likely have some very choice words for those racist extremists and I can assure you that none of them would be ones you’d want to have knowledge of.”

“Ironjaw,” Seraphicon said, “Don’t.”

“We can get some food at a place that serves it or you could see if there is a junkyard or scrapyard you can eat from.”


Ironjaw started to approach slowly, almost hypnotized.

Piston looked at Firestorm. "Calm down, friend. We will take back what is ours in due time, perhaps with your help. We need a plan first, though. Amalgous would want us to succeed in our intentions, and not fail spectacularly. "

Seraphicon moves to stand in Ironjaw’s way, “Don’t eat the monument; we’ll find some scrap for you to eat to your heart’s content and not end up with an appointment with the local law enforcement.” He said, not wanting to hurt the guy.

“Well, what do you know of their defenses?” Firestorm asked.

Ironjaw walked past him.

“I like to imagine so, too,” says Flux.

Inside the ship’s armory, the Matrix’s light flickers suddenly, breaking its’ steady twinkling for a second.

The liquid metal monument appears to stutter in its’ rythmic undulations.

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Piston shrugs. " I personally haven’t seen the reports on the scout missions. I would ask Flux. However, I do know that they are heavily fortified.

Seraphicon silently prays that Primus preserve them all and moves to push Ironjaw away from the monument, “Guys, I need some help getting our Chompazoid friend to not eat a monument.” He said on the comlink.

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Ironjaw was at least two times bigger than Seraphicon, so his effort would not really do anything. It would be, in fact, worse for the Angelicon: Ironjaw had his mouth open, and big drops of saliva were felling from it, some on Seraphicon.

The monument begins to ■■■■■ into a sculpture of Prima, however halfway through it suddenly changes into one of a figure that appeared to be Optimus Prime, holding the same sword from the Matrix’s vision.


“Wayra! Hornblow!” Seraphicon said into the comlink as he tried to dodge the siliva, “Some help, please.”

He tries to remember how to stop a Chompazoid that’s in a hunger trance without hurting it.


The monument holds this configuration for just a second, before reassuming its’ fluid consistency.

Hornblow was sitting down in robot form, looking at the show.
“This statue is not art! It’s trash! Eat it, Chompazoid!”
Ironjaw was now only 500 meters away of the statue.

Seraphicon hated when he had to do this and set his pistol to stun gun mode and fired once at a spot that Ironjaw would definitely feel it. (On the guy’s neck)

“Really?” He asked, “A fluid, shapeshifting statue of The Primes and Primus isn’t what you would call art?”

The fire would take place and Ironjaw would fell down, shaking.

“No.” Hornblow asked nonchalantly.

“Now I’m sure you don’t know who I am.”

The group following Flux is led into the capitol building’s corridors.

The spaceport the Excalibur was docked in begins to separate from the city. To remain available to its’ crew, Teletraan Iota has the ship leave the spaceport to hover above the city.

“Nor do I really care, abomination.”

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“I think I might’ve set that a little too high.” Seraphicon muttered as he motioned for Wayra and Hornblow to help him move the Chompazoid away from the monument before he wakes up.

Note to self: make sure to use a lower setting next time. he thought.

Even tho he was stunned, Ironjaw was using ALL of his powers to crawl closer and closer to the statue.

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