Transformers: Twilight of the Golden Age Part II

“Yes, let’s,” agrees Flux.

Ironjaw was now almost double his size, and was shinning brightly. He was mad, and thought the pain would disappear if he would eat more.

Ironjaw felled in it, yelling.

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“So where do we start ?” asked Hammer.

“You and the general suggested attacking something like a drone factory as a diversion, yes?” Flux asks. “There are a few factories and spaceports that would generate a good amount of fuss were they attacked.”

“Can we see a map of them?”
Asked Dicius.

Piston pulled up a map, with the factories marked with red dots. “I believe these are what Flux is talking about.”

“And while we are distracting them, you’ll have enough time to attack them while their concentrating on their factories. You said factories, so we’ll need more then just a few bots, like a division, right ?”

Ichor studied it

Seraphicon flies up to the Excalibur to get something.

“Which one is the most important?”

Hammer studied it.

Piston looked at a large factory. “This one, I think. It is the largest, which is usually a sign that it is a large manufacturer.”

Flux pulls up a holo-map of the capitol city, a metallic landmass forming a fortress around a golden structure shaped like a massive T-cog.

“On the outer perimeter is the main spaceport,” says Flux. “The manufacturing district is located in the second level, west of the Cog.”

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“Well should we try to destroy that one?”
Dicius suggested.

Seraphicon moves at top speed to grab the Apex Armor and Cryosaber from the ship’s armory.

Piston nodded. "If we can take out a main factory and the spaceport, that will essentially cripple the Functionalists… Then we can raid the fortress. "

“hm… could you mark the blocked off Wells?”

The effects of the alien metal were slowly dissipating while Ironjaw was realizing that he was going to die.

Piston pointed out the wells. “These?”

“That sounds about just right.” said Hammer.

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