Transformers: Twilight of the Golden Age Part II

All but one of AU Sparkplugs vanish, whisked away by the chaotic flow of spacetime in the destabilized nexus and freeing up the cells.

The partying NPCs decide to book it to another end of the ship.

“Oh, nothing much,” responds AU Iota. “The ship’s descending into anarchy, most everybody has some kind of doppelganger now, and, basically, all concept of logic and reason has left the area.”

The Sparkplug turned into a green Soundbraker.
“Universul 259027529857219857.”
He said with a Google Translate voice.

“Thank you.” Seraphicon said, relieved that chaotic mess was done.

“Uh-huh.” Seraphicon said, not really understanding what he meant, “In layman’s terms, please.” He asked.

AU Seraphicon was panicking, screaming like a madman.

Darkstorm was happy to finally be alone to have some peace and quiet, for once.

“Conform teoriei lui Pitagora din detrimentul propozitiei cu numarul o suta saptezeci si sase din sistemul de coordonate 23, provin din universul 259027529857219857.”
The Soundbraker continued.

“That’s it. Now buz off before I rip you to shreds.”

This was very much a wise decision. When the stampede reached the bar and entered an enclosed room with only the one entrance, they began to wreak havoc. Flipping tables, breaking glasses, and just generally making a mess of the place.

“Well that much I got, but what did you mean about a herd?”

She quickly rolled around, trying to attack her with her stinger.

He facepalms, “Translation?” He asked.

Firestorm returns to the hold, hoping he won’t have to use the cuffs.

Folks from Darkstorm’s universe would know the absolute idiocy of ticking him off when he was drunk. “Little pests!” He yelled as he started attacking the Mechanimals with his sword and arm cannon.

However, his aim was absolutely crap due to how drunk he was; adding more to the mess.

“What’s happening?”

Axis transformed, Minimus in her talons, and flew off into other parts of the ship. Her new jet powered bird wings allowed her to move much faster than Warya could.

Seraphicon may soon realise that the set of personalities was not speaking Cybertronian, or that it was different in their universe. The Soundbraker turned into the Ghympsy. He rose his arms and started to slowly approach the Angelicon, lie a zombie.

“Just chilling around.”

But this didn’t stop P. Warya to follow her at full speed.

“Oh,” Zip grumbles. “You’re not from around here either.” He begins to try and find someone else.

“Nope.” Epic Sax Guy Dicius said, following him.

Seraphicon held his ground, the wall should keep Ghympsy inside his cell.

AU Seraphicon still screamed like a madman, telling anyone who could hear him that everyone was doomed if the Rhisling blade wasn’t found soon or the universe was going to die.

Seraphicon had to admit it was really disturbing but to see himself like this.

Firestorm kept an eye on the Chompazoids, watching for signs of a potential rampage brewing.

OOC: GTG soon.

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The Ghympsy was not in a cell.

“I’m just trying to find out what is going on,” Zipline says. “No one else seems to realize that this could, like, end the world or something. I mean, imagine the paradoxes! Everything could end!”

Seraphicon tires to blast him into stasis lock.

Axis made it back to the bridge, long before Wayra could reach her.

“Hey! Shut the door!”
Axis said to Iota.

“Oh. You’re back.”
Maximus said, looking at Axis.

“Yeah. Sorry about that. Had to hunt down that crazy bug glitch head and get little cutie back, but I’m here now, with the both of you, and that’s what matters.”

Minimus had all but resigned to his fate, considering the possibilities of staying here forever.

Meanwhile, Primal closed off the door to the bar, traping the mechanimals inside. That way they couldn’t escape and cause more dmamage.

“Dude. Just relax. Want a drink?”

The fire stopped the Ghimpsy for a few seconds, until he returned to his very slow walk.

While Maximus and Axis were talking instead of closing the doors of the bridge, Pink Warrya arrived and entered inside.

Several explosions inside would reveal Darkstorm was also in there, blowing up the Mechanimals in his drunken state and making a bigger mess as well.

OOC: now, I GTG; sorry guys.


“Oh, your food came to life and started making a mess of the place.”

Maximo was equally unnerved.

Iota complies, keeping the alternate Warya out (@Toa_Vladin).

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