Transformers: Twilight of the Golden Age Part II

In response to this, the Star Saber grows just a bit heavier.

The holo-Infernocus catches the blade with its’ left hand and attempts to pull it out of Dicius’ grip.

Firestorm looks around and sees Auros, “Want to trade?” He asked.

The Angelicon was a bit confused.

Firestorm let Dark have control and looks to see what the result would be.

“That I should be ready for the last planet. I think it was called Trecedim, but I am not sure. Optimus’ colony, right?”

He successfully took it from Dicius’s grip. He turned his now empty hand into a blaster and shot a few beams to his head, more exactly to his eye area.
OOC: Is this auto-hit? Is it is, then sorry.

“Trecedim is indeed the colony of Optimus Prime.” Seraphicon said. “Have you talked with Dicius about this?” He asked.

He didn’t like the thought of them not being together in what could very well be the final battle.

The holo-Infernocus clutches its’ face and staggers, howling.

“I am not sure where he is. After the events of this day he wanted to stay alone for a while.”

OOC: So I hit him in the eye?

“I cannot tell you what to do except to say that I think you should do what you feel is right and to talk with Dicius to see what he may wish to add.” Seraphicon said, “He is your husband and, forgive me if I come off as rude in any way, he has a responsibility to help and support you.”

“Seraphicon, stop with the theory.” He said, kinda annoyed that Seraphicon changed the subject into what Dicius is responsible for. “Tell me straight: when do we leave and how can I help.”

“I don’t know the answer to either of those questions.” He said. “I’m sorry.”

“You are free to join us to Trecedim if that’s what you feel is right.” He told her, “As for when we leave, I’m helping get the ship fixed up using The Forge; I’m not sure how much longer it will take.”

Dark was now in control of Firestorm’s body, still holding the Star Saber.

“I mean you really really sure?” Hydro asked again. “Because seeing Optimus and his colony isn’t something you get to see every day, like you said, its a one time one see.”

“And what do you expect me to do?” Hammer asked. “Sure the Matrix is the only way to stop him but.” he says as he showed the Requiem Blaster to Hydro. “Surely I wasn’t the first one in centuries to get the Blaster just so I could not use it.” he continues. “Cybertron and everybody which is heading their needs us and now that we have a better chance holding Nemesis long as we can till they get the Matrix back, it is worth fighting for.” he ends.

“But only a Prime can defeat him…you know that?” Hydro asked.

“I know.” Hammer replied. “But I’ve been a warrior all my life at first I never shied from battle then as I discover my problems then I did shied away and now that I am free and have untapped my full potential I am not holding back, when I encounter Nemesis he’ll truly see what I am made off and that me being a son of Megatronus and that I remind Nemesis of him it is not just empty words, it is the truth.”

“But what if you are worthy of being a Prime but someone else takes that title away from you?” Hydro asked.

Hammer says nothing at first. “And what if I go to Trecedim and I find out I am not worthy and that I’ve waste precious time while I could have been already on Cybertron saving lives and somewhat injure the Heralds.”

“I dunno what to say Hammer…I sadly do not posses infinit wisdom…” Hydro said disappointed not being able to help his friend.

“And you don’t need to.” Hammer said placing his hand on Rex’s shoulder in a brotherly manner. “Listen if the Matrix truly sees that I am the Next then so be it, it shall then come as a flash of lighting as it lights our darkest hour and I become the Next.”

“And if it does not happen?” Hydro asked.

“Then it was never meant to be and I am at peace with that, I am happy as I’m truly am, with or without the Matrix…and if I can go far as I could, I would say that each and everyone has individually been worthy being a Prime, as leadership can be earned with or without the Matrix.” Hammer said.

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OOC: you hit him in the face. He’s blinded, right now.

IC: [quote=“BlackBeltGamer98, post:10806, topic:46844”]
Dark was now in control of Firestorm’s body, still holding the Star Saber.

With Dark in control, the Knight was unable to wield the Star Saber.

@BlackBeltGamer98 “Can I use the forge to help you?”

@Chromeharpoon Dicius used this as a cance and hit Infernocus with the shield in the chest as hard as he could, followed by a punch in the stomach.

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Auros nods.

“If Dark takes over in any way, the Star Saber reacts and a weapon that can become unwieldable(?) to me at any time is one risk I won’t take.” Firestorm said.

“Then take this.” Auros said, holding out the Enigma. “You may find better use for it than I would.”

Firestorm motions for Auros to pick up the Star Saber; the Angelicon tries to pick it up.

“Certainly,” Seraphicon said to Hecate, “The more people we have working on this, the quicker it will be done.”

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“Where are you, exactly?”

Seraphicon picks up the Forge, “The Engine Room; it’s at the back of the ship.” Said the unarmored Angelicon as he wound up to strike a damaged area.

“Listen for the sound of really loud hammer strikes when you get there.” He told her as he resumed helping repair the ship.

“All right, I am comming with you right now.”
She transformed into car mode and headed for the engine room.

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“Understood.” Seraphicon said as he continued working, using The Forge to help accelerate the ship’s repairs.

After a couple of minutes, Hecate arrived and transformed to robot mode.
“Where do I start?”

The four acquisition hunters, having made all preparations as they saw fit, enter the bar for a drink.

Hydro smiles seeing that his friend has become wise in this past time.

“So whats the play, when we arrive on Cybertron?” Hydro asked.

“If I get the opportunity I’ll lead our team and when I see Nemesis I’ll confront him and I’ll be needing your help as well, we’ll need to go very hard on him this time no holds bars no holding back, we use everything we have learned in battle and use it against him, we will show him no mercy.” Hammer said cleansing his fist.

“It sounds pretty much like a crazy plan but well I’m all down when it comes down to crazy!” Hydro affirmed.“Know this, I’ll be with till the end of the line, pal” Hydro said showing his hand.

Hammer grabs it as they formed a brotherly arm crossed to the side hand shake. “I know and I’ll fight along side you till the end of the line and if we are going to go down…well” he said chuckling. “We’ll better go down swinging.”

“Yeah haha you got that right!” Hydro admits as he began felling very excited and courageous.

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