Transformers: Twilight of the Golden Age

“I only want one thing in return from you.”

“And that is ?”

“51% of your company’s stock. It’s not that high a price to pay for freedom.”

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“So you mean, you want half of my fortune ?”

“51 percent ownership of your company, to be exact.”

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"To do what you see fit, maybe worst take hole control over my company, or even worse use those weapons, which my company makes, for your own need "

“Don’t be coy, Mister Voltex, you’ll still have a seat on the board of Directors. Besides, I don’t need to hold all the stock.”

Stoneflow waits by himself Guess all my anime girls are gone.

“What would you do then, with my company ? I dont like where this is going you see, if you want half of my company meaning you will be co-owner, demoting my sister, and so telling me what to do with my company, is this where is going ?”

“You know, this reminds me of that Hailbreaker job we did…” recalls Zipline.

“I can almost see that,” Cargo agrees, barely.

“Oh?” comes the reply of Glaive, intrigued.

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“I’m afraid, Mister Voltex, that you have ruined your public image. I can free you from any legal responsibilities, but you shall forever be haunted by the controversy. Would people really want to purchase products manufactured by a suspected murderer? No, PaxTech must be taken in a new Direction if it is to survive, and you aren’t the Person to do it.”

The twins were somewhere within the bowels of the ship, exploring

The ship was packed with eager junkions, in addition to its’ crew.

“I find the civilian population of the vessel interesting,” notes haliaetus, “wouldn’t it have been better to have kept this a military operation?”

Glaive shrugs.

“casualties will be much higher,” he warned

Hecate wokeup from the CR Chamber. Her first instinct was to scream,but then she saw Dicius in black armor.
“W-What happened?”
“Hecate, take a seat.”
“I am already sitting.”
“Hecate… Voltex Pax killed 15 of our friends. I am returning from their funerals.”
“W-what?! Who died? Sparkplug?”
He nodded. She couldn’t stop herself crying hardly. He hugged her, trying to calm her down.

H: “Do you still want to la d on Junkion?”

Ironjaw was in the Javellin. He heard the conversation with Daybreak and the Minicons. He took a deep breath,and looked at her, asking:
“Excuse me, ma’am. Can I come to the mission to Vector Sigma too?”
Skorn was eyeing the Chompazoid curious, staying next to Seraphicon.

“It certainly wasn’t my idea,” Glaive says.

Maximo had relinquished control of the ship to the trio.

Daybreak nods.

“I’d assume so, a soldier wouldn’t have been so foolish.”