Transformers: Twilight of the Golden Age

Chaplain points upward, to the antisparkchamber looming overhead.

“We need to gather intelligence on that thing,” he says.

“Easier done than said,” acknowledges Streak.

Coalburn asks the question Streak wouldn’t ask, but still had: “What is it?”

Hecate turned around to look for her ship.

“According to our esteemed ruler, Nemesis Prime, that would be the sparkchamber of Unicron himself,” Chaplain bitterly quips.

Voltex saw at the Elevator the red lights which meant he had to go. “Jade, I need to go”

Jade said back “See you around, brother”

Voltex activated the ground bridge to take him to his secret base.

While the Elevator opened, Voltex was gone

Jade saw there was 4 police officers "Glad you are here, this guy Modex was trying to steal secret information from PaxTech, here my systems can show it "Jade showed them a hologram “This should be enough evidences, police officer”

Jewel followed Hecate "Wanna help ya out, to find your ship ?

Hecate seemed a bit confused, but then she said kindly:
“Yeah, sure. It must be at this floor.”

Jewel almost forgot "Oh, I forgot, I never got your name "

”Gross…” winces Coalburn.

“What kind of reward are we looking at?” asks Killstreak, narrowing her eyes, but retaining her friendly grin.

OOC: Isn’t the sparckchamber like the heart or something? I just put that together.

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“Eternal glory and more shanix than you’ve ever seen in your life,” Chaplain explains.

OOC: more or less. The spark itself is like the heart and the soul of the Transformer.

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“I’m Hecate.”

Jewel “Oh, Hecate…Hecate wait…like the planet Hecate ?” She laughed “Either way, I’m Jewel”

“Nice to meet you, but Hecate is not a planet, but a moon.”

“Nice to meet you too, oh yeah " She chuckles " Silly me, it was a moon, okay so you know where your ship is right ?”

Coalburn’s jaw drops. Killstreak’s smile becomes more of a greedy smirk. “We’ll accept,” she nods.

“Nope. That’s why I’m looking for it.”

OOC: Modex had already concealed the device. She couldn’t just see it and take it. Anywho, gtg for real this time.

OOC: Of course she could see that, the system worn her, do you think she wouldn’t be able to see ? She saw what Modex did, either your character is going to jail, and you and I will Fing NERVE play again!!

OOC: how? Please, calm down.

OOC: Your senteance doesn’t even make sense.

OOC: please, Vladin, if you have nothing to really contribute to this debacle, stay out of it.

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