Transformers: Twilight of the Golden Age

“So what are the other worlds like?”
Maximus asked, clearly excited.

“CYbertron… well, i think you guys already know. I’m not really sure, I just got picked up last world. You’d have to ask around. Although, we still have a couple colonies to go, so that is a good chance to discover… well, new colonies, I guess.”

“So then what colony do you come from?”

“I’m originally cybertronian, but after it was taken over I moved to Vergrandia and was picked up by these guys.”

“So then what’s Vergrandia like?”

“Zip, what are your thoughts on me replacing my gun arm?” Cargo asks, as the three hunters gather at the valley.

“With what? A sword? A hook?”

“No, another hand.”

“It’d be practical… But you know how well practical and I get along.”

“Yes, it would definitely be useful.”

“Make it green.”


“Maybe a forest green. It’d make you really cool.”

“I’m not already ‘cool’?”

“I plead the fifth.”

“The fifth what?”

“Never mind. Do what you want.”

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Simulare’s body began to spasm

The trio watching him deploy their weapons as a precaution, and the stasis turrets perk up.

It again goes limb

Asrar heads to the valley.

Cheers and thunderous applause were directed his way as he nears the temple.

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Asrar looked around and stared at the crowds, today is the fight, the fight at dawn. He prepared himself by waving at the crowd, taking in every ounce of energy he could muster. He’s prepared and he’s going to show them what a neo-wrecker is.

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Apex stands before the steps to the Temple of Onyx, ready for battle as the roar of the crowd drowns out most other sounds.

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Asrar walks up. He goes into his predacon form and roars to the sky in a voice near a wild animal. He goes back to robot-mode and smiles, saying,
“Hello again.”


“Good morning!” Apex bellows, smiling widely.


Asrar chuckles,
“It’s a good morning to battle, wouldn’t you say?”

“I certainly would,” Apex agrees.

The eager crowd forms a wide circle around the two.

Asrar grins,
“Only a fool would disagree.”
He backs up around twenty paces. He looks at the crowd,
“I’m ready.”

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Apex clenches his fists and raises them, tense and hoping for a good fight.

“As am I,” he responds.

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Asrar questions,
“Any rules I need to know about the fight, or is it the same as war?”