Transformers: Twilight of the Golden Age

“Avoid killing your opponent, if possible,” Apex explains.

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OOC: well that’s no fun


Asrar chuckles,
“Sounds good, though don’t expect to leave the arena without an injury or two.”

“Of course,” accepts Apex. “Now, are we going to stand around talking til sundown, or are we going to actually, you know, fight?” he lightheartedly digs.

Asrar replies by raising his fists and readying his stance. He looks at Apex for a signal to go.

“Your move,” Apex offers.

Asrar closes his eyes and opens them. His body is soon covered in a red glow. He charges at Apex, faster than his usual speed. He is in his rage mode. He uses his charge to try a simple punch.

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Apex swings the flat of his ax’s blade out in front of him to catch the punch, the Energon blade glowing blue.

Asrar hits the axe blade. He jumps back and circles his opponent. He feels the mouth on his abdomen start to open. Asrar keeps it shut and charges, he aims for a low kick.

Apex falls down, transforming to beast mode as he did so and landing on his clawed feet, hissing from his dragon mode’s three heads.

Dicius and Hecate were watching the fight, excited. Warya, Hornblow and Chopbot were doing the same, from the opposite parts of the tribunes. Ironjaw was yawning.
“This is boring!” The Chompazoid said.
The three Minicons were standing down, not too far away by him.
“I agree with you, big guy.” Skorn said, unimpressed.

@meepinater The two smaller bots would see Clara, standing in her pilot chair, alone. She was watching the battle from the window.

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“KILL HIM! RIP OUT HIS INSIDES! COOK ON A SPIT AND THEN SWALLOW HIM WHOLE!!!” screams Zipline, sitting on top of Coalburn like a child on a parent’s shoulders.

“Who are you cheering for?” Cargo wonders. Zip answers with a shrug.

Coalburn pants like a dog, tongue sticking outwards.

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Spokes laughed from his spot.
“I like that guy.”
"Who?’ asked Giffin.
“He.” Spoke said, pointing to Zip.

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Voltex and Jewel wore watching the fight.

“Oh, that must of heard, jeez. Come on you can do this, OOOHOOO!” he cheered for Asrar

“Uh, who are you cheering for ?” - Jewel

“Actually, both of them to be honest, it is a good fight. So who the winner is I actually don’t care. I just want to have a good time, now lets continue watching it”

Jewel facepalmed herself and sighed “Uh, typical man…always resolving to violence”

Voltex did not hear Jewel he had his attention on the epic battle.

OOC: Oh cool, how you started the battle without me actually being online. Its okay.

Firestorm kept close to Liege so as to try to keep him out of trouble.

Seraphicon was with Daybreak, likely watching the battle for the Mask.

The Eukarians keep their distance from Liege Maximo, many shooting him dirty looks.

Daybreak watches the fight intently.

Infernocus drops Ramjet onto the floor of the Primal Basilica with a dull, heavy THUD.

“Ow,” the weakened herald drones.

“How soon will you be back at full strength?” Nemesis Prime inquires.

“Hard to say,” wheezes Ramjet. “Why; are we going somewhere?”

“Yes,” Nemesis affirms. “While Megabolt heads for the beast planet, I’m planning to be bit more proactive.”


Split stands amongst her counterpart’s trashed hab suite. Claw marks sliced out of the walls, furniture flipped, cups spilled onto the floor. Killstreak has not been eager to leave control to her.

Where’d they go? Split wonders.


I’ll fix this, Split promises. For once, they agree.


Seraphicon was watching the fight but making sure to be aware and mindful of his surroundings.

Firestorm kept near Liege to silently say two things: that he would act as Liege’s backup if he got attacked and that the Eukarians can relax a bit due to the Knight escorting Liege.

Sol appeared by daybreak and seraphicon, stoic and cold as usual

OOC: So is anyone doing anything my characters could potentially join in?