Transformers: Universal Devistation



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Maximus was screaming with blind rage and fury. Slashing again and again at the phantom. Killing Ramjet was the only thought in his mind.

Direwolf tripped him.

Maximus gets back up and bats Dire away with the sword.

“this is sad,” mocked ramjet

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“I don’t follow your orders”

Maximus diverts his full attention to Direwolf. He charges him and knocks him to the ground, then puts the tip of his blade to Direwolf’s throat.
“You made your choice. Now suffer the consequences.”

“Till all are one, False Prime.”

Ramjet handed him a chaos blade, “beat him, but don’t kill him.”

Maximus closed his eyes, and forced the sword down into Direwolf’s throat, but when he opened them, nothing had happened. His arm had not moved. Maximus could only stand frozen, as the realization of he had done came to him.

Direwolf beat him away with the chaos sword in hand.

Ramjet watched.

Maximus stood up, and sheathed the Time Blade on his back.
“I… I will not fight you.”

“Not my Concern.”

“Listen to me. I am not your enemy. He is”
Maximus points to Ramjet.
“You are my ally, and I will not fight you.”

“Pal, you aren’t any friend of mine, and squid jet guy wasn’t the one attacking me.”

“I was blinded by rage. I am deeply sorry for what I did. Ramjet has slaughtered countless innocents, and Unicron threatens do destroy the entire multiverse. Please, don’t do this…”

“How can I trust some entitled snob,you get all the fancy stuff, as well as being picked as the Leader by ‘god’ himself, and you can’t even take a hit without being thrown into a tantrum. You think you have problems? You have mild inconveniences. You don’t deserve to lead. Let’s go, Squid Jet Man.”

“You are right about many things. I am not the best leader, and I have a long way to go. But… if you must strike me, then do so. Just know that I will not fight back.”