Transformers: Universal Devistation

Arcee walks up next to him.
“Hey there slick. Where’ve you been?”

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“I, uh, dunno.”

“Listen, I know all about what happened with Galvatron. Chances you and the gang are gonna be high priority targets. You’re lucky those things didn’t call for reinforcements with how long you took.”

“I know what I’m doing.”

“All I’m saying is that you might want to have a quicker way to deal with them. But I should probably go before another patrol shows up.”

“Yeah, well, I’ll think about it.”

“Just a simple ‘this sentence is false’ and they all shut down. Anyway, it was nice seeing you, but I gotta run.”
She says before transforming, and driving away.

“Yeah,” he replied.

He could hear another patrol flying from the west.

He continued walking.

Meanwhile, at the Axalon, Maximus was sitting at the table in the control room. He had begun to worry about Dire, as he was taking much longer than he thought he would.

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Direwolf continued on his way.

“Maybe I should try calling him.”
Maximus said to himself.

“Bad idea. Galvatron is monitoring any and all broadcast signals. You try talking to anyone through coms, and there will be sweeps here within minutes.”

The metrotitan appeared in the sky in ship mode

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Galvatron, who was sitting on top of the volcano, saw it, and looked at it with awe.
“Slave. What is that thing?”
He asks Lio Convoy.

“That’s the titan that attacked this planet a few days ago.”

“Whatever it is, it will soon be mine!”
Galvatron flies towards the titan.

The closer Dire got to the volcano, the more sweeps there where.

From the small island, Axis could see a ship. Hoping that she might find the seacons there, she flew to it.

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Direwolf continued to walk.

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He soon reached the base of the volcano. There where hundreds of working, bound by chains and shackle. They where all closely watched by sweep guards.

He continued to walk.

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Many of the slaves did not notice him. Those who did chose not to look. One sweep guard followed him.

“Honey, I’m home!” Said Dire.

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