Transformers: Universal Devistation

OOC: I don’t care.
IC: Sinker poked him again.

OOC: At least let these guys take a hit. You gotta give me something here.
IC: “Alright. Now you’re just annoying me.”

OOC: not when you give me nothing.

“Alright. Let me show you how it’s done.”
Galvatron punches Sinker in the face and knocks him to the ground.

The seacons whilst badly damaged go in to hiding

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Sinker didn’t budge.

OOC: See. This is what I’m talking about.

OOC: and you don’t do any of that?

OOC: Not as much as I used to. I’m working on it alright.

OOC: Glavatron is invincable, why shouldn’t his associates be as well?

OOC: also i think sinker would win

OOC: Galvatron is not invincible. He’s strong to be sure, but not invincible. He is at least on equal footing with these three. That’s why I did the hit me as hard as you can thing. If you remember, he got pretty freaked out when Maximus showed up with the Star Saber. He’s putting the team as number one priority targets because he knows that weather they know is or not, they pose a major threat to him. Heck, if Scourge and Megatron worked together, they could probably give him a run for him money. I know God Neptune could definitely put up a good fight against him. He is not invincible.


OOC: Again, it’s Maximus how holds the key to defeating him. And besides, why wouldn’t the other minions of Unicron be at the same level as him?

OOC: They are. Or at least not too far beneath him. So how about we try this all again, and have an actual fight.

OOC: but galvatron os one of the weaker minions of unicron

OOC: Different Galvatron, vaguely different rules.

OOC: Not from What I’ve seen.

OOC: I haven’t done the best job at showing it. I will admit that. Lets just try and have a better fight from here on out.

Sinker smashed into Galvatron.

He took the hit and is sent back. He then charges and punches Sinker in the face.