Transformers: Universal Devistation


“Then it is settled. Scourge, you may accompany us in our fight against Unicron.”

Scourge said with a smile.

They where then approached by Megatronus and Liege Maximo.

“Hi,” Direwolf replied for the up teeth time.

“Maximus. We’ve been looking for you.”

“What for?”

“It is time we depart, and return home. We wanted to give you our farewells before we left.”

“Wait a minute. You’re leaving? Just like that? Can’t you help us?”

“No can do. Our job is done. We fixed the planet, stayed around for a while, and now we gotta go. I just thought we should say something, instead of disappearing on you.”

“So, you’re just leaving? Just like that?”

“We had a job. We did the job. Not we’re going home.”

“Well… I guess.”
Maximus seemed a little upset.

Liege Maximo took a small round object out of he bag, and tosses it to the ground. A large portal opens. He then walks up to it, and speaks to Megatronus.
“Come along brother. Time to go.”
He then steps through.

Megatronus walks up to the portal. Before he walks though, he looks over his shoulder at Maximus.
“Hey kid. Don’t feel too down. You still got a lot ahead of you. Oh, and if you make it out of all this alive, be sure to give us a call. I’m sure the beacon in that mountain still works.”
He then walks through the portal, and it closes behind him.


The two ran to them.
“It’s not funny! Overkill is notthat bad. We are going to fight with an overkill guy, and this is exactly the boost I need! I will use it!”

“Gronius, for the last time. This is a bad idea. What if it explodes or something?”

“I tested it and it have 98% chanches to win.”

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“I don’t know. I just have a really bad feeling about this… Fine. Use it if you want. Just be careful.”

OOC: Sorry about that. I was busy.

W: “After this can I try it too? Imwant to see how it feels!”

“I don’t think it would fit.”

“We will see.”
The head of the suit closed.
“How about a race?”

“We don’t have time.”

“A race over the arena!”

“No. I learned my lesson about running everywhere last time I fought Galvatron.”

Song smiled.
G: “Understood. No race. Who will fight first?”

“You can if you want.”

“Oh yeah yeah! I will smash his body with the H Bullet!”

"So what is the H-bullet?’

“I tried to make a Hydrogen bomb as small as I could.”

“Can I see it?”
Maximus held out a hand.
“Just for a bit?”
He asked politely.
