TTV Episode 201 Discussion

Apologies for the extreme delay! Unfortunate circumstances conspired against us to cause this episode’s delay. Regardless, it’s here now, and I hope you all enjoy!



well I can’t watch it since videos don’t play on this stupid ipad
I didn’t get to see 200 either. :grimacing:


Brexit and Zac Efron in the podcast… complete with #Johnni jokes and Var stories.
It was entertaining , not gonna lie, I had to pause and search for Brexit, but it was hilarious.


I’m finishing it up, but I think it is one of the funniest episodes in a while, what with Var’s contagious laughter and the name discussion.


The whole podcast:


The episode was the definition of controlled chaos.

Venom: Johnny will forever be half John, half dog…‘Jawg’"


Just like Le-Metru.


It had nothing to do with BIONICLE, but that Brexit conversation was hysterical. :joy:

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Alright, another week, another podcast interpretation!
I went a little overboard this time because:
A) This episode was hilarious
B) Last time, I made a video, so I feel like I have to compensate a little to ease it back down to comic form… That makes no sense but whatever.

Anyways, enjoy!

What? You don’t grab popcorn with the force?

I wonder if this ninja joke made sense… It’s in the podcast but it was quick. Oh well.

My favorite by far. I will never see eljay without thinking of the golden gate bridge.

One can dream I suppose.

Sorry… I got real lazy on that one. Hence the lazy-bus.

Behold. Dude perfection in baby form

This will be the day you almost caught, Captain Viper!

I wonder if she’s got any bottle caps she could loan me?

Was anyone else slightly creeped out by this part?
Just me? Ok…

Well, that’s it for this week!
Hope you enjoyed it!


I was. :joy:

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Kahi complains about Eljay is affecting TTV by his crazy obsession about his privacy. But brings up a political topic and sends the podcast into disarray. Our businesses and marketing manager everybody.

After going back through the footage, I’m extremely curious about what Ven said that had everyone laughing about “Phrasing!”
I really wish I could have heard what it was he said right there that they had to cut out…