TTV Episode 206 Discussion

That ending segment…on point. I can’t express in text how much that means to me, hopefully my future actions and the actions of the community as a whole will provide a more articulate reaction, be it for better or for worse.

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Huh… I didn’t think anything could make me have a more biased and unreasonable animosity towards Disney besides my ex but this makes a lot if sense…

It also explains why they don’t have something ready to take BIONICLE’s place, and why they said it’d be a while before something would. Man, if Disney really is the cause, it burns me up inside. They’re more of a parasite to LEGO and the creative integrity of its designers. LEGO’s hands are tied… they couldn’t give us a Makuta set and a MoUP set even if they want to, and they might have really wanted to. This whole thing seemed to go directly against everything we know about LEGO’s business practices. It’d almost have to be an outside force.


Wow, Meso’s speech was incredible, someone should write up a transcript of that so I can save it somewhere.

Well this was a fun ride, Bionicle G2. I’m glad I experienced it with TTV there along the way. Though this journey is over, the adventure has yet to end, I look forward to sticking with you guys for the rest of your adventure as well, wherever that may lead.


Yay, I’m not the only one who has one of those!

The timing is a little sketchy, but then again, the ‘timing’ is speculative anyway. Because the first wave of Star Wars constraction came out summer '15 (if I remember correctly), which would be around the time JtO S2 was in development (which of course is the speculative bit), and the skull villain wave release. So, Disney may have seen BIONICLE dipping slightly, just slightly into their sales, and since they’re such an evil corporation, decided to take out the competition. No more BIONICLE means more Star Wars constraction sets get sold.

I know this is a pretty big conspiracy theory I’ve created, but if it is true it would NOT surprise me. Disney in my eyes is just plain evil (I mean, they practically have a monopoly on the film market with LucasFilm and MARVEL), and I could see LEGO not wanting to lose Star Wars. Which, if Disney were to take that away from them would still be dumb because LucasFilm was the company that gave them the rights to do so, not Disney.

Disney taking away the rights would be like a 7 year old letting his friend keep a toy that he no longer wants, but then the kid gets a new step-parent and demands that the friend give the toy back.


Then why was the 2016 year even a thing, if Disney decided to kill BIONICLE in 2015?

"If I had to give a message to the BIONICLE community right now, some of them; most of them are probably upset about all of this. They’re very lost, with no sense of what to do. We’ve kinda been through this before. we’ve had a little bit of experience with the cancellation of BIONICLE.

TTV was actually formed after BIONICLE was cancelled. We kinda rose from the ashes a little bit. Here’s what I’ll say: when G1 was cancelled, people tried to take a message, a moral out of this, and what as BIONICLE fans should we do. Eventually people kinda agreed that the best route to go is to devote all of time into making works. Doing our MOCs, doing our stories, artwork, videos, etc. This was in the hopes to show LEGO that the BIONICLE community is still alive and kicking, so it can be brought back one day in the future. That’s what people did for four years.

LEGO brought BIONICLE back and took it away 2 years later. So, should that same moral apply? Should you still try to constantly show LEGO that BIONICLE still has an active fanbase? I don’t know. Here’s what I will tell you: BIONICLE is a lot more than LEGO can do at any given point. BIONICLE is a creation of theirs that has a little bit more weight to it than a lot of other themes. It’s created a community that is unlike things I’ve ever seen or been a part of.

BIONICLE to me is about more than whatever wave of sets with gimmicky gear functions and masks in store shelves in any given point. It’s about a lot than how many prophecies or “Unity, Duty, Destiny” name drops you can shove into any 22 minute story episode. BIONICLE to me is about the fandom. It always will be, that’s the core of the theme.

BIONICLE is about people like Christian Faber. He worked on the theme for so many years, and developed so many concepts and artwork for it. It shaped what BIONICLE ended up being. It’s about Greg Farshtey, who spent many years of his life not only writing the story, but also answering fan questions and he’s still answering them. It’s about Merlin Mann and Ryder Windam, people who worked through so many different hurdles to try to give us a story to actually relate to and connect with.

It’s about the fansites like BZPower and BSO1 who for so many years have been a place for fans to go and interact, and also learn about their theme. It’s about us, who been here who so many years trying to give entertaining content for you guys. We inform you about stuff, to be a place to connect with BIONICLE.

It is about YOU, the individual. It’s about the MOCists, it’s about the artists, it’s about the authors, it’s about the content creators…who take what LEGO provides you and makes it into your own thing. That’s the purpose of LEGO. No matter how many times LEGO will drag BIONICLE’s corpse out of the gutter that they buried it in, to try to shelve products on shelves to boost their bottom line, no matter if BIONICLE’s on shelves or not, you don’t need to prove to LEGO anything, anymore.

What you do for BIONICLE is about your own passion and your own love for it. As long as that exists, BIONICLE is not gone. It will never go away. You don’t need LEGO to do anything anymore, and if I had my way about it, I’ll say this on air: I don’t want BIONICLE to come back. I want BIONICLE to stay as a community thing. The community understands it, and it loves it. Nothing you do is any less valid than anything LEGO does. That’s the purpose of LEGO as a creation.

BIONICLE is a force, it is an entity that is never going away. It’s just phases committed to come out, and this one, mismanaged (though it may be) was certainly fun, while it was a thing."


Thanks so much to all of you who are enjoying the podcast, and what I had to say. I just felt like I had to get that off my chest because I was already seeing a ton of messages about how “Maybe, if we try really, really hard, Lego will bring BIONICLE back in 5 years or so!” and I was just like… no.

I don’t want to have 5 years of uncertainty followed by another two years of mismanaged storytelling and nonexistent marketing. BIONICLE doesn’t need Lego’s official support anymore; G2 reignited fan interest and gave the community a shot in the arm. If we take that and run with it, then that’s all we need, IMO.



To add to that, just as how the Toa have discovered their destiny; they don’t need no masks, golden masks, or even weapons to fight evil. Their power comes not from that, but from within, and our own will to stay passionate and strong, as cheesy as that may sound. We don’t need to draw our “power” from what Lego puts out anymore. We can take it into our own hands, for that was what Lego wanted us to do all along, to give the community a final push to keep the line…our line alive. Perhaps that was JTO’s lesson was after all…

Just as Gali said “We ARE the elements!”, that applies to us too, we aren’t just fans of Bionicle, we ARE Bionicle


I just listened to the podcast, and loved every one of the 100 or so minutes it comprised of. Meso’s speech at the end was amazing, and you guys brought up some very legitimate points about the plot holes in Season 2… I think when I watched it I was just in too much shock to notice all the inconsistencies…

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So listening to this podcast I was inspired to create this
“Hello and welcome to TTV recipes! Because sometimes listening to a podcast isn’t enough, you also want to eat that podcast Not the actual cast you Sicko’s So that’s why there’s TTV recipes. For today’s meal we have episode 206,
Now first things first Start normal with a lil’ Johnny ad that annoys the crap out of everyone.
Next take four portions JtO S2 Hype, and smother it with G2’s end so absolutely no trace gets through.
Our next step is to throw in 1Podcast and begin to stir occasionally
Next you must add three sad Mardi Gras, never more never less
Carefully season with a few jokes so as to keep the meal interesting
You’ll then need to add some trippy affects to thoroughly confuse your audience
The most important step is you must add two truckloads of salt, keep in mind this is a very key component
To counteract all that salt and make your dish appealing again add a highly inspirational Meso speech
Then surprise everyone with a Var curse right after I mean I was very surprised
A pinch or two of stories that hit you right in the feels
Then the final part before plating is to add exactly three Eljay tears
Then plate, and garnish with Journey to One spoilers, and enjoy!”
(Did I just shamelessly rip CinemaSins off? Yes, but will they care? Probably not)
Also @21sselliW
Here’s a few more

The Masks have no power, they are the keys to unlocking the Toa’s power
The Toa also freed the CoMM and give all the villagers hope for the futur, instead of living in fear


I found the audio volume to be really inconsistent. I can’t tell you how frustrating it is to have someone make a point quietly to then have someone scream a response. Had to have my fingers constantly on the volume buttons.
I understand that this is what your podcast is usually like but it was kinda ridiculous in this episode.


Meso for TED talks

Also rip to 1/5 of TTV subscribers




I think he means that because Bionicle has ended 1/5 of your subscribers are going to leave.


It was a great podcast i would praise meso for the speech (belive me i loved it) but i can see there is enough of that going around… there was something else but i have forgotten… something to do with JtO i think… like a thorie or idea that poped during the podcast darn i completely forgot

I want to write a speech giving my opinions on BIONICLE’s end but man…I cannot top that speech. Well done Meso.
Anyway, BIONICLE’s fandom isn’t going anywahere any tiome soon so lets rejoice that much at least.
(btw where’s biotalk bookclub?)

It was nice to laugh during this time of grief.


Because of how the production of sets go, the 2016 stuff was already done by the time 2015 rolled around.


A good way to clear the air, so to speak. You expressed a lot of the community’s anger and grief in an honest, yet respectful way. I honestly didn’t notice or care about the inconsistencies or plot holes in JTO until you guys brought them up, but those are horrible. You guys hit on a lot of good points, but here are my thoughts:

@IllustriousVar or @Jon , could one of you be so kind as to provide a link to LEGO’s tweet saying “Bionicle sold well”? I can not believe the lack of transparency about it’s ending this time around.

I so wish that Bionicle had a single, unified vision. We needed someone, ANYONE, like Greg Farshtey.

Also, Jon, As a writer I am just as frustrated as you are about the lack of ability (or rather incentive) to write fanfiction for G2.

We will continue, we will endure. Thank you to the cast for another good episode of the podcast. As for everyone, love you guys! (platonically, of course!) I can’t wait to watch/hear episode 207.


I’m not Var or Kahi, but I bet they have more of a life than me, so i’ll do it for them

We the community may already be unified…united but not one :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Also, for all those conspiracy theorists…they lie! =P