TTV Game Nights

The real issue with the Game Night concept is that we’re, primarly, Xbox gamers. We play on the Xbox moreso than we do PC, and we own a ton more games on it than we do for PC. We also tend to play Xbox more because sometimes hosting PC games can be unreliable due to the myriad of technical issues we sometimes come across. We also like games that have higher player counts, due to the amount of fans that typically join in.

With that in mind, the PC games that are options for us to play as of current are:

Halo CE
and uh… Terraria, I guess? Although server hosting is very inconsistent with that and we typically have to use Hamachi to host private servers so it likely wouldn’t be the best.

We’re all open for suggestions, but those are the games that will likely be on the table for PC pretty much permanently unless we all decide to start playing some new game and/or pick up a new game for the Game Nights.

On the Xbox, these are our options (factoring in player count which is very important due to the high turnouts for Xbox Game Nights)

Xbox 360:
Halo Reach
Halo 4
Modern Warfare 3
Black Ops (literally only I have it but Eljay may pick it up one day)

Xbox One:
Master Chief Collection
Destiny (would be a stretch due to low player counts but feasible)
Grand Theft Auto V

Those are pretty much all our options for the forseeable future; the cold, hard facts. Message Boards exclusive game nights will likely only be for Xbox in the future because with Xbox games, we usually have TOO MANY people. PC games tend to be more niche (except for Minecraft which will likely cause a frenzy). Hopefully we can open up some more avenues for Game Nights n the future, but hopefully this post will clear up some confusion and ease some disappointments. :stuck_out_tongue:



okay, but is the game night tomorrow and on Friday cancelled?

Yes; the next game nights are STILL going to be what we’d announced prior, but they just won’t happen tomorrow and Friday. :stuck_out_tongue:



wow :laughing:

Everything on PC is fine by me, and everything but MW3/black ops on 360. I’m largely indifferent to what we play.

Except Xbone. Don’t have much for that :stuck_out_tongue:

10/10 picks
I have all of these

Moonbase Alpha game night.


John Madden.


Man this sucks, can’t afford to have xbox live right now and I only have access to my friend’s Wii U (Smash + Kart) and her pc (Minecraft) :cry:


Hey, smash and kart are nothing to complain about :stuck_out_tongue:

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You guys should do a Star Wars: The Old Republic game night.
It’s easy to play.

How it works if we wanna have a competition:
Everyone who participates makes a new character, and starts around roughly the same time.
Light Side Team Leader: Meso
Dark Side Team Leader: Eljay
We’ll need an even amount of players on each side.
Whichever team ends up with the higher level players wins by the end of the game night. If any people on the same side choose the same class, they’re allowed to party up, as long as they don’t use exploits.

Also, if a whole team (unlikely) goes the same class, they are allowed to party up and do quests.

Hopefully TTV considers.


Eljay would probably be a sadistic leader. I definitely wouldn’t want to be under his maniacal rule. It would be scawy!

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Don’t forget a glorious final battle by the night’s end.

A faction-neutral planet like Tatooine ought to do.


Might be late on this, but:

  • Battlefront (2015)
  • Battlefront (2015)

go team ven we won eljay sucks at halo


can confirm

Game Night is concluded (or at least my portion is). Expect a write-up later on in the evening! Great times, all!



Team eljay got rekt

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Twas fun. Once we got everything to work, it was a good chance to meet some cool people and screw around. (WWE super slam is best game mode)

some quotes from the game night

“Kopaka: Master of Unslipping”

“hey mfs, just so you know, Ven and Eljay are to your right”

“are they now?”

“no no NOOOOOO” Eljay dies

also afterwards

Me: “dead honest, if no one had told me where Eljay and Ven were, I wouldn’t have seen them”

Ven: “Yeah, whoever told him, you freakin’ nerd”

things I remembered, was a lotta fun, hope to do it again at some point :slight_smile:


Runescape game noight plz

I missed the Minecraft game night so I wouldn’t mind if you did another.

Tf2 Gamenight?