TTV: On Air MakutaFest Trailer!

That was Var, actually! He’s pretty versatile when it comes to voice acting.

Actually, iBIONICLE isn’t in this series. But that guy is a parody of a certain somebody. Crazy afro he’s sporting, am I right?

Don’t worry, both of them are still featured in this series. We’ve been planning some cool ways to keep him in the story, although the main characters will still be the six of us.

Hmmm…you’ll just have to see =P

Very good! There’s some other Easter Eggs stashed inside the profiles, but some of them are so subtle or so in-joke related that I would be very impressed if you guys were able to find them all!


Challenge accepted. Can you give us a hint as to if there’s any more “l33T” secret messages? I was looking through the codes, but can’t find anything yet XD

That just brought up some bad memories.


There’s one more, but it’s not a reference to everything Bionicle and there’s some extra numbers stashed around it. The others are just references in the text and whatnot.

We were hoping it would. Adds to the “cultish” theme. :wink:


Lol, I don’t get that reference, it’s probably from a time I was out of the loop :stuck_out_tongue:

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I can duz drunkin hobo voice.


I noticed that…

I just noticed the omega symbol behind the omega tahu leak thing


I’m so glad you guys released it in time for Guardians of the Galaxy! This was the such a cool announcement at Makutafest! I can’t wait, this looks like it’s gonna be a really promising series!

You do know that this is 2 years old right?

I would assume the sarcasm was pretty obvious…

The “1 year later” obviously gives it away…


I JOINED these Boards the day of Makutafest '14. I was PART of it.

pls. i know what i am talking about.


Well, the sarcasm would have been obvious
But the /s was nowhere to be seen

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Can’t wait! I know On Air hasn’t been in the works for too long, but I’m still incredibly excited for it, hopefully I can watch it sometime in 2016…


? You time traveling