Two truths and a lie!

Not telling yet.

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This, since 3 sucks.


another round for me

1: There is only one lie in this round.
2: If there are two lies, then number 3 is one of them.
3: If this is false, there is only one lie.

This might not make sense.

It’s intentional.

(BTW this is just a test, please don’t kill meh ;-:wink:

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this is the lie


if that’s a lie

then there are two lies


…i knew that…


All of them are lies, falsehoods, and deceits.


These are the lies.

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this one,

Correct, REC!

You win

checks notes

#absolutely nothing!


This is the lie, for the 2 people who guessed; as I do have a self MOC, though I’m still working on it

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Here are my 2 truths and a Lie

I’ve been interviewed for television

My family spans 3 continents

I love anime

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this is the lie. If not, it’s the third one.

It is the third one. I have actually been on television several times and I have been interviewed once

Edited for Double Posting. Please don’t do it again.


Oh boy thought of more

I have gotten a triple kill in Quake II, with only two other people in the game

I used to hold world records in a game called Bounce On II, before the leader boards were deactivated.

In Quake II, my best record on any map is a 10 to 1 to 1 in under one minute, with only rail gun kills, and no damage taken.

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This is the lie.


I completed the Lego LOTR game but then lost all my progress when I did something to the computer.
I have the iOS version of Lego Star Wars the Complete Saga.
I’ve got all the DLC for Lego LOTR and Lego Marvel.

Lies. I doubt that there is an iOS version.

  • Googles *
    Ok. I stand corrected. There does, in fact, exist a version for iOS.

    I still think this is the lie though…
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There is no DLC for Lego LotR. XD