Unpopular Opinions about LEGO

Unpopular Opinion Time (Or maybe it’s a popular opinion - I’m a sheltered child who never goes beyond the message boards)

Licensed set repeats are fine and I like them
Actually, on top of that, I like the reiterations of the Millenium Falcon. I think it’s getting better and better every time it comes out again.


The lego movie ■■■■■■■■■ set looks awesome though, I need to chase that down, a ■■■■■■■■■ that is also a mech. Genius.

Provided that there’s a decent time period between iterations, I took share this opinion, for all themes. Things change, designers change, techniques improve.

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If licensed remakes are so necessary, why don’t we get remarkes of sets from original themes? And honestly, all those Star Wars remakes happen so often that there is barely time for the sets to improve semnificantly.

I do too, on occasion. I hate that I won’t always have “the newest product,” but if they didn’t exist, I could never get a TIE or an X-Wing.

Or get my Zam Wessel Coruscaunt Speeder Chase set.

They aren’t as iconic or mainstream.

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I want a LM2 branded Bruce Willis figure.

Lego David, you read what @Eljay said, didn’t you?

So let’s not argue about this, not all Star Wars sets are remade anyway, last year was the first rebel x-wing since 2012!

I read that like a few minutes after it got posted.[quote=“ToaNoah_Wafflemeister, post:784, topic:23000”]
They aren’t as iconic or mainstream.

And what is the problem? This is LEGO, not mainstream. They gave us more than enough X-Wings and Tie Fighters in the last few years. We need something different, something original, something we never got before. The whole Star Wars theme has been exhausted up to the point where there is never anything new, just something we have seen already. I honestly hope they will slow dawn a little after Episode IX comes out, as Disney themselves said they would take a break with those movies after that.

And I guess just chose to ignore it. Fair enough.

This would have been a good topic for this
. If anyone else wants to go to this topic to continue this discussion, feel free.

@LegoDavid, consider this your second official staff warning. You will receive the PM shortly.


@LegoDavid Regular members of the boards will be aware of your opinions of licensed Vs unlicensed themes, the point I made about iterations was that they are good regardless of what theme they belong too. I would rather we not derail the topic any further.

I need to dig deep and find a new unpopular opinion…

I love the trolls from Castle (fantasy Era). The siege tower, the swords, they seem like cool dudes.

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I wouldn’t consider that a unpopular opinion. They are really cool, I haven’t seen anyone who says they’re bad.


Well… Everybody thinks Fantasy Era is the absolute best of Castle, so that isn’t really unpopular.

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Oh, well heck yeah!

I just live their aesthetic, it’s cool and all the metallic weapons are great pieces.


I too am a huge fan of the OG trolls.

Never got one, though, those were when I was a wee lad…

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But castle doesn’t do that well…

Lego should have cancelled lime almost instantly

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Except Castle has a fan base twice as big as the Bionicle one. Seriously, almost everybody on sites like Eurobricks is a Castle fan and wishes the theme to come back. And do you really have any evidence that “Castle didn’t do very well”?
And honestly here. Would you really cancel this?

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That’s so fake I can cut through it with a knife.

If castle didn’t do well, then why it was cancelled?

If id wouldn’t sell well, if it wouldn’t have a story, if it would actually eat money instead of making them, and if I personally would not like it, then yes. I would cancel that.


Castle was well loved, but there’s like, what? 0 Castle-tubers and podcasts out there? Castle is dead, and Bionicle isn’t.


Lego should have cancelled lime almost instantly

Cancel all other shades of green while we’re at it.


After all green isn’t a creative color


If you don’t believe me go and check it out on Eurobricks for yourself.

Again, provide me with evidence that it didn’t sell well (if you really can).

Again, check out Eurobricks.