Username Discussion Topic

I realize my username is possibly the most generic one on this site, but surprisingly, it actually has a decent backstory. So…

wall of text incoming

It all started about 10 years ago (in 2004 I think) when I went to get a LEGO ID on their website. Being 7, I just made something random- at the time being momo- as my first attempt at a username. Of course, this was already taken, so I took the first suggested username- momo3225.

Fast forward several years. I get an Xbox 360, and, of course, need a username to play on line. Long ago I decided that ‘momo3225’ was FAR too juvenile for a sophisticated 12 year old like myself, so I decided to make something new. I had a friend who’s IGN was storylover, and I figured that a username based off of something I liked could also be good. I chose legolover. No numbers, nothing. And there was a very good reason they weren’t needed.

As you may have noticed… it was a slight bit (not to be offensive) gay, and was aptly called out as being so in EVERY ONLINE MATCH I EVER JOINED. Less than a week in, I decided it was worth shelling out the $10 to change it. But question was- to what? I wanted to stick with the theme of what I liked (being mildly ok ok extremely obsessive with legos at the time) and decided on legofan instead. This one WAS taken (legos are a cool thing yo), and I had to come up with some numbers to get it to work. Thinking back to my LEGO ID a few years back, I decided to use what the LEGO website had recommended when I was 7 years old- 3225.

I’ve tried to change it several times, but It’s kinda become rooted to who I am with my friends, and it’s what people recognize me by online. It’s in my Email, linked to my computer, and more… it’s kinda become my online identity (except on Wii U, where I had to become legofan905 due to registering myself to a friends console then forgetting the password).

So… that’s my username’s story. Influenced by when I was 7 and friends, it just kinda evolved and stuck. If I could change it I probably would (yet again it’s so generic it isn’t even funny), but it’s become so correlated with me among my friends and the entirety of the internet there’s really no hope now XD.

So that’s that.


My main username is actually wk27172… though I’m really veering away from it because…iss just letters’n’numbers :stuck_out_tongue:.

I use it mainly on social networks, like,


How’d I come up with it, you may ask, or not, idk? Long story short, I was given the username waaaay back in grade 5 for this one ‘math challenge’ site called worldmathsday (I think). And little naïve 11 year old me, used it when creating my youtube channel in 2008, because I guess I thought it’d be easier to remember this one user name, rather than having a whole bunch of names.

WajKnight is a newer name I came up for

Steam: Steam Community :: Waj
The TTV Message Boards! :smile:

As some know, my nickname is Waj, from my actual name: Wajeeh.

So… the username is just my nickname + the word ‘knight’. (so creative…I like knights…)


Mine is my psn username, and my username for pretty much anything else. My dad came up with it when we first joined psn, and it was a combo of Terminator and X, you know, cuz X’s are kewl, bro…

CausticKrana is a name passed down through the generations in my family dating back to ancient Rome.


I remember when my usernames had numbers in them… dark times.


I remember when my username was MT.

Those were (are?) the days…



I was gonna make this topic
thanks Slime

My username comes from the original name I used to go by, ShadeHedgehog.

I was a really big Sonic fan back then, don’t question it.


So, I have several stories about the three usernames I use, and no story about my first :stuck_out_tongue:
Wall of text incoming!
My first username, WLAB, I used on to save my progress on games. Since I made the account when I was about five, I quickly forgot the password :stuck_out_tongue: Which brings me to my next username, Macedonia (another account). I’ve had this account for three years now, and I’ve wanted to change the name ever since. Basically, when I made this account, I was going through a Greek history/mythology phase where I wanted my username to by something like Theseus, or Perseus. But they were all taken, and I didn’t want to add numbers to my username, that’s what scrubs do. So I go through several things, my logic is screwy here, and I come out with Macedonia. On Steam, I use the name TheKolbitar, which is based on this LOTR fan-group I’m a part of on the LMBs. I also use this whenever I feel Leoxandar wouldn’t work. Leoxandar, and versions of it (Leoxandar Magnus, Leoxandar Arktanus) come from this acting camp I go to during the summer. Basically it’s a combination of names that was said in a strange way by a friend of mine. Thus the ar instead of er.


[quote=“Leoxandar, post:30, topic:6320”]
I didn’t want to add numbers to my username, that’s what scrubs do.
[/quote]… :’(


Most of the usernames I use are incredibly arbitrary.

I was known as “starblaster181” back in the day because I encountered the name “starblaster” and thought it sounded cool. Then I made a new account and became starblaster9428. Then on Brickipedia I went by ErkelonJay, because I liked the name “Jay” (and it was considered to be my “name” for about a year) and the name Erkelon was a major part of my story back then (it makes a cameo as a name in Spirit Shadows.)

When I joined MOCpages, I was forced to use a two-word name. I originally went by “Jay Storm” (because I have something of an obsession with the word “Storm”, but then flipped that to become Stormjay Rider, which is still my name on Custom BIONICLE Wiki. The name devolved into Stormjay becoming my real name. (Only my close friends had/have the honor of calling me “Stormy”.)

My present name, Hawkflight, was derived from my concept of the “Stormhawk” (which I considered to be a step up from “Stormjay”.) The name selection was somewhat arbitrary.

Also, on Custom BIONICLE my name devolved into “Stormfork”, which has become something of a meme.


back in the day
I used club penguin

So I called myself pombeldebub

because reasons

When I joined the lego message boards (to quickly leave) I called myself darth foodar

Darth because I had a bit of a star wars craze back then, not so much now

foodar because of my cat

how did I become pot8o you may ask


it is a stupid story

But once my friend and I were playing a game

it told us to input a username&password

So we thought
What should we call ourselves

Potatowarlord was the first thing

and it slowly became a thing

then he forgot bout potatoes
but I used the name potao as a username because I wanted a thing to stay

then because I thought it sounded stupid, I changed it potay8o

which was also stupid

so I shortened it to pot8o

and thats how I became a potato

The end

oh wait I used to be called lightningstorm in mc because why not

thanks to mojangs recent namechange addition, I changed it to pot8o_


that story of mine was dumb and long


Emperor Julius CausticKrana III


I came up with my username at the age of 9 because I really liked the game Battleship. I don’t really like it anymore (the username, I still love the game), but I keep it just for consistency

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Chronicler, because I am a history geek, want to become a historian, and it was the job in BIONICLE I wanted the most.


Holy crap, alright I just got off of mobile.


BioRaiders532 is… a name. What it means? Well, there are two main in discussion at the moment.

Some say, it’s just an arbitrary combination of BIONICLE and Rock Raiders with a random number put at the end. Seeing as how I liked both themes when I made the username (Like, seven years ago. It is my number 2 bae) and I still do. The 532 was possibly thrown in because I thought it sounded cool.

Then, the second theory. This one perhaps makes more sense to those inclined to believe the username was not generated out of a seven-year-old’s, on-the-whim name-making. You see, legend has it that there was once a legendary outlaw, nobody knew his true name, but those who talked of him, called him the Bioraider. His armor was so sleek, his jaws so immaculate, weapons so shiny, that all who saw him trembled. He lived a good 87 years, before deciding he wanted something to carry on the epic legacy.
He approached a team of cloners who assured him that they could make him a son. So, they took samples of his blood, and preserved them.
For years they tried their best, but the awesomeness contained within Bioraider’s DNA was too complex for even the most sophisticated supercomputer of the time. Still, under threat of death, they did not give up. 531 defective prototypes were made, each one steadily more awesome than the last, yet, it was not until BioRaiders532 that the Bioraider himself was satisfied.
532 was not given a name, he was not given anything except a scroll the Bioraider claimed to have been passed down through the generations of his own family.
532 was sent off, alone, into the cold reaches of space, where he would have to make his own name, become his own legend. This, the Bioraider said, would be his true legacy.
Then BioRaiders532 crash landed on earth and became the most awesome human to have lived the end.

I think the first theory is far more likely, but I’ll let you decide for yourself. ¯_(ツ)_/¯


Back when nintendo power was still around rip in pasta NP :cry:
they had this add for their Zelda spesial and it said where can you find this many green caps? So when I was making my Minecraft username I had that page open and well I came up with the name Greencapps and it just stuck


B…but clones!..they’re cool. :laughing:

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I’ve had many usernames I’ve gone by, most not very original.
Around the time I joined these boards, I was still playing Yu-Gi-Oh competitively. One of my favorite cards at the time being Risebell the Star Adjuster(Despite it not being a good card for my type of play style)

It has since had many variations. Most of which being puns such as: Riceball, Roseball, etc etc. The name’s grown on me since, going to stick with it as long as I’m in the Bionicle community.


Well I have ALOT of usernames that I use pretty much interchangeably so I start with the oldest…

3rings4: during the ol’ halo 2 days I used this name despite my emblem at the time being a 2. obviously this name is no longer used.

Toast(er): don’t ask me why I had a bread craze goin on. this was used until I sold my third DS the first two died embarrasing (for me) deaths.

LEGO when I got the 360 my dad was trying to think of a name for me so the first thing that came to his mind was legos so I was stuck with that name until that xbox red-ringed.

unit7743: this was the first of the names I still use. I created it when I made my Email so I could join some stupid website. (not this one). it is also inspired by the main character of the book I am writing.

Alex Bevins: my real name its what I roll by on YouTube

Jaegernaut(7743): I made this name when thinking about Halo’s game mode “juggernaut”. so I retooled it with my IT word at the time “jaeger” to make what I thought to mean hunter in space but I misspelled it to be “Jaegernaught” so it meant Hunter outta space. I still roll by the misspelled version on the LMBs as “Jaegernaught7743”. because so many people mispronounce my name as juggernaut or jae or worse jaeg instead of simplifying down to Jaeger I am thinking of changing it to Xevins (see below).

Xevins: for this one I wanted to be all like Tom Riddle/Voldemort but since I got lazy I used Xevins witch is just crafted from the last letter of my first name to replace the first letter of my last name. currently this is what I use everywhere but here, the LMBs and YouTube.

so that ends my long list here’s to hoping it doesn’t get longer.

Oh yeah, I just remembered: On certain games I play with my friends, I go by Ow!, including the exclamation mark. I was in a random mood that day.