Viper's/Phweffie's AMA

If you could commit genocide on a species without repercussions, which species would you choose? so everything single one is gone. but nothing would change apart from all of them would be dead.

What is your oppinion on American alcohol laws/regulations as opposed to European laws/regulations? I mean we are all human so why does it matter where you are , amirite?

So like… Are you Phweffie now? :stuck_out_tongue:

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Secondary question: If you are Phweffie now, why the change?


Why the world is a Phweffie in way?

Actually, I’d really like to hear more thoughts from people in European countries about that. I have the feeling that it might border on political discussion though.

I was gonna ask about the name change, but it seems like those guys got it covered.

How about, um, memes?

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Are you a coffee or tea person?Or do you just chug a can of Redbull every morning?
Also, favourite Bionicle piece?

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So, thoughts on Bon Jovi?

Can you go back to Viper? Phweffie is scary.

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Shouldn’t it be Phweffie’s AMA now?


What do you think about the band Cryoshell? Barely anyone has heard of them.

  1. Do any of you have plans for April 1st this year? You don’t need to tell me what they are, just if you have them.

  2. Have you watched Voltron Legendary Defender?

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How’s uni going? Assuming you’re there now?

Sadly not.

Its between the older Spongebob or TMNT cartoon of the 2000s.

I painted a tiger out of arcrillic paint in black and white and a selective orange on the eyes. It was very detailed and I put my soul into it. Sadly it was left at my secondary school and has probably been thrown away now.
But I try to make every drawing the best I possibly can.

Because you don’t eat British food everyday. :slight_smile:

Hanging out with everyone, every moment was a euphoric and riddled with side splitting humour and being with people who understand your love for a dead franchise.

I’m very saddened by where the Transformers franchise has been going. I absolutely adored the first movie. Now, I just find it cheap. I hunger for a lot of depth in movies nowadays and things that go against the grain and the movies couldn’t be anymore contrasted with that. Even the first movie was designed to get a particular demographic but it was excused because none of us had seen nothing like a CGI transformer before.
At the end of it I’m not going to spite it for trying to make money but I wish it just had more to it then 3 hours of pandering, rubbish jokes and obsessive amounts voyeurism.

I’ve always wanted to make a review or something about it but I’m busy or lazy with my spare time.

Mosquitoes.They kill thousands of people a year, no-ones going to miss them. (I hope).

It’s hard to say, I think the main reason people drink is because its a social thing same as a lot of smokers. I think that the US laws for alcohol are better because people who are drinking are older and therefore are more likely to know when to stop. But it comes back to the fact that alcohol has been in societies for so long I think the only way to completely stop it is if another activity similar replaces it.

It might also have to do with the overall happiness of the people. People who are happy are less likely to get addicted to drugs and other unhealthy habits.

Why, yes I am.

Well. originally I was called Phweffie and the team said no to it and Viper was my backup name. But then they realised that its hard to be an iconic if you’re name is Viper. Just type up “Viper” on Google and see what comes up.

I have confidence in my abilities, however I don’t think I can square up with snakes and motorcycles for the name Viper.

Phweffie is the nickname my family gave to me when I was young, they still call me it to this day. As for where it came from, I have no clue really. My slightest guess is that there was a footballer called Shefki Kuqi that my dad used to call me, then it remixed as such.

Shefki Kuqi > Phefki Kuqi > Phweffie

Trust me I have no idea other than that and everyone calls me it! XD

I love all memes, apart from Harambe. That one got annoying fast.

I’m pretty meh about both. Coffee wrecked me the other day so I guess tea is preferable. If i could drink Redbull every morning, I would.

I like the G2 clip on pieces they reminds me of zoobs another lego building type system I used to create creatures with.

He’s cool.

But Viper’s too edgy5me.

Changed it. :slight_smile:

I love em, my favourite songs are Creeping in my soul and Don’t say anything.

I have no plans that no further than one week in advance. XD

No, but I have been hearing good things about it.

Still at college, however I am building my portfolio to go to uni and will with all my power eventually head to uni.


Best of luck with that! Can personally reccomend Leeds as a great city for students; the best in fact (no bias at all).

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looks at your profile pic
Okay crazy lady.


This is a very cringy question but I haven’t kinda got the hang on the whole Phweffie thingy… like, what does that mean…

Answer was a few posts above


Thanks foe the info, may I ask which podcast that name was first revealed in?