Weird Dreams

Try to top the dream of the person before you. These should be real. I’ll start with a pretty bland one: One time, I had a dream that I was at a Star Wars convention, but Harrison Ford was extremely fat.


I once had a dream in which I was Mario in paper mario, but all the goombas were stormtrooper Mr. Potato heads. There was also a Darth Vader goomba in white armor. It was weird.


One time I had a dream that everyone was a balloon, and then some girl failed a math text. This made everybody want to pop each other. This was terrifying when I was four.


darn, thats intense.


I once had a dream I was a five year old (ish) in a playground and a bunch of colourful hairy monsters were chasing me. I hid under a table and there was ghost horrifying moment I will never forget where they lifted up the tablecloth and found me underneath. I don’t really remember how it ended but I defiantly woke up in a cold sweat. It’s one of the only dreams I’ve ever remembered.


When I was younger, I had a reoccurring dream where I was being chased by evil rubber ducks who insisted on throwing cheese at me, however, if I laid down on the staircase and repeatedly kicked it, the ducks would retreat. The weird thing is that I must have had this dream at least 20 Times.


I had this weird dream were I was in the Caribbean, and you know those things at parks the are like big awnings with picnic tables under them? One of those was floating on the water, and me and a bunch of fisherman were on it trying to catch fish. Suddenly we see a shadow of a big shark swim under us, and we all jump on this buoyant tarp. Then for some reason I was the only one on the tarp, and then I woke up, that’s all I remember anyways. I don’t know why a tarp would save us from a shark, but my subconscious is strange.


I had a dream that I was a Vahki cannibal, and I was hopping around a pirate ship, and killing all the pirates, which strangely resembled Johnny Depp, but not Jack Sparrow. I ended up blowing up the boat by licking the mast with my eye.

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Yeah we kinda already have a topic for dreams, weird or no.

I’m gonna be closing this.