Well Little Johnny

well little johhny he is good bye johhny
can i hail hydra

Only if you want to be lumped in with Cap and a fair amount of Avengers.

Will I return as an advertisement?

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I hope not.

Will I ever stop bleeding from the ears?

Not until you destroy Lex Luthor’s machine that is killing all the fish in Smallville’s lake.

Why don’t you want me as an advertisement?

Because we’re trying to lure in new customers, not scare them away.

What’s Sonic?

A blue hedgehog that can run like Pohatu.

I’m scary?

No but I am!!

Who is Mr. Oz?

Someguy behind a curtain.

Why can’t I get a Gameboy Advance SP?

Because you are poor.

Why have we abandoned the original format for this game?

Well Little Johnny, it is because we are all shortsighted millennials.

Why does my autocorrect not recognize “millennials” as a legitimate word?

Well little Johnny, it’s because we’d all rather pretend that man can’t fall as far as millenials.

Why am I determined to make something of my life instead of resigning myself toward sweet easy laziness.

Because sweet ease laziness doesn’t pay well.

Why can’t I stop thinking about this girl?

Because You love her so much, Johnny.

Can I become a Asian Girl?

Well little Johnny, you can, but I’d kick you out of the house.

Why won’t my code compile?

well little johnny I dont know what you talking about

also, where did you get the master thing?

Why are we still here? Just to suffer?

No Johnny we’ve forgot you still around.

Am I a clone?!?!?!?!

Yes. We will spend the next two years on this plot thread much to the dismay of our readers.

Why can’t I beat Juri in Street Fighter IV

well little johnny, you beat them by not playing
why did i waste $100 to get overwatch summer games lootboxes

Because you are a pawn in Blizzard’s money making scheme. And they won’t be satisfied until your wallet dies from bleeding out too much cash!

How can I make these thoughts of this girl I know go away?

well little johnny, you kill her
why does everyone at my school hate nintendo

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